8 • Clubs

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For the next couple of weeks, updates might be slow bc I have midterms, so be warned 😰

Ayyy almost 1k views. I wanna do a special-


I was watching Enid and some of the others paint a canoe. Every once and a while, I'd give them helpful advice.

"That looks like crap."

"Why don't you come help out, N/N?" Enid asked. I shook my head.

"I don't see the point."

Enid sighed. "Okay." I yawned and stopped listening, even when Wednesday showed up. She chatted with Enid for a moment, then walked away.

•Timeskip to after Wednesday spoke with Weems•

Wednesday had returned a bit after and grabbed my wrist, making me follow her. She said we were joining a club. Naturally, I couldn't care less, so I followed her around without complaining. 

We went to the quad, where a chorus of amazing voices were singing. I covered my ears and let out a long whine. "What in hellfire is this infernal noise?"

Bianca turned to us. "Ah, Wednesday, Y/N. Principal Weems said you'd be stopping by." She smirked. "But after your performance at the Harvest Festival, I think the drama club might be more your speed."

"After I passed out, who did you tell?" Wednesday demanded. I stopped her.

"Oi, you passed out? When? Why didn't you tell me?"

She ignored me. "The sheriff?"

Bianca scoffed. I fumed. "You think I'd trust normie cops? I went straight to Weems and let her handle it. Anyway, let's get this audition over with." She looked at the other choir members, then back to me and Wednesday. "What are you two? Alto, soprano, or just loco?" There were laughs to this.

"Say something like that again and you'll be dead-o." I mumbled.

"Nice comeback," Bianca shot back. I hissed at her.

Wednesday opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Glass shattered nearby and I clapped my hands. "Beautiful, Day. Much better than anyone here could do."

"What was that?" Bianca said, peering at the pianist's broken glasses.

"A note only dogs can hear."

I looked at Wednesday, whispering, "I thought you were using your magical powers . . ."

•Timeskip• (P.S. I know archery came first dw)

As she spoke to the boy in charge of the beekeeping club (why, just why?), I picked a flower, a (flower type). A bee buzzed by me, humming it's sweet little song.

Wednesday walked over to me, a beekeeper suit slung over her arm. "Y/N?" I looked up, startled. "Eugene said we should wear this attire. What are you holding?" I held the flower out to her.

"A flower for m'lady," I said, grinning. Wednesday took the flower and handed me a suit. "Ew," I mumbled. "I am not wearing that. No thank you."

"It's for your safety," Eugene appeared behind Wednesday, donning his own ugly white suit.

"It's for your safety that the school won't let me snap your neck right here, right now," I snapped. "I've never been stung, and I'm not about to start today." Eugene nodded and walked away. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm guessing you don't want to join this club?" Wednesday asked, sniffing the F/C flower I'd given her.

"No. Why are you even considering it?"

"Weems said we must join an extracurricular activity."

"Can we please go somewhere else? Like archery?" I crossed my arms, humming the same low tune as the bees. Hmmmmm, hmmmmm

"Alright. You can go to archery and talk with Rowan's roommate. I'll meet you there." I nodded and turned in my heel. Before dissolving into a smoke of self-loathing wand wanting to take a nap, I glanced behind me. Wednesday was smiling at the flower, twisting it between her fingers.

My Wednesday was smiling at the flower.


Xavier Thorpe was aiming his bow at the target when I arrived. I slid up behind him, silent, so I could scare him into missing.

"Boo!" I yelled just as he released the arrow. He jumped and the arrow narrowly missed the target. He turned to me, breathing heavily.

"Oh, it's just you," he sighed, seeing me. "You should be more careful, I could have hit someone."

"Sorry," I replied, "next time I'll try harder to make sure you do."

"That's not what I meant," Xavier raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "Did I ask? I'm here to talk to you."

Xavier set down his bow gently. He stared at me. I snapped my teeth at him in return. "What's it about?"

"Your ex-roommate. Rowan Laslow. Tell me about him." I leaned against a tree.

"Why do you want to know?"

I rolled my eyes, smirking. "You wanna get a lawyer before I start asking questions?" I teased, his unwillingness to answer my questions amusing. "I'm not a cop."

"No shit, Sherlock." I giggled. It was clear he didn't like me.

"F-ck you, Watson. Anyway, I'm only doing because Wednesday wanted to know." A rat scurried by my feet and I petted its head as it passed.

"Why can't she ask me herself?" Xavier asked, crossing his arms. "Shouldn't she be here, anyway?"

"Maybe because she's busy," Wednesday mumbled from behind me. I smiled and turned to her. She was still holding the flower.

"Hey," Xavier greeted her. "Why do you want to know about Rowan?"

"It's nothing. Was he acting weird before he left?" Wednesday waved his question aside, standing next to me.

Xavier shrugged. He picked up his bow and knocked another arrow. Raising the bow and pulling the arrow to the corner of his mouth, he said, "I guess he was acting on edge for the past few weeks." He released the arrow and it hit close to the middle. He lowered the bow. "I dunno. Um, hey, can I ask you something?"

Wednesday nodded.

"Can you . . . stay away from Tyler? Please?"

Wednesday nodded again.


I watched as Wednesday tried to talk to Rowan before he left. He wasn't having any of it. Then I noticed something.

Curiously, I walked up to him. Before he could react, I grabbed his head and twisted it to see his neck. There weren't any bitemarks. I let him go and whispered in Wednesday's ear.

"This isn't Rowan."

"Back off and leave me alone," Rowan hissed before getting into Thornhill's car and driving away. Thing was latched onto the back. Wednesday and I watched them leave, then returned to our dorm.

It's almost 12 and that means it's almost time for a nap. ^_^


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