12 • Memory

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I'm not sure why I didn't always say this, but if you don't like boys, you can change Aiden to the female version, Aria Hunter, or the non-binary version, Ash Hunter, or another. Remember, this is YOUR story.

Y/N's POV ; before

Aiden's face as he saw me for the first time . . . I'll never forget it.

I'd been transferred to this school after everyone at my old school dropped dead. Father had paid the police to destroy the evidence I killed everyone after being rejected, and made me promise I wouldn't be caught again.

Anyway, it was a public school in a small town in Canada. I boarded the bus, the snow just beginning to cover the ground with glorious white stuff. The bus driver told me which seat was mine. It was right in front of Aiden's.

"Hi!" he said enthusiastically as I sat down. The seat made a weird sound - like a deflating balloon. "You're new!"

I nodded. Normally I would have ignored him, but something about that smile drew me in, so I didn't.

"What's your name?" he asked, leaning his head on his arm, which was draped over the back of my seat.

"Y/N L/N," I replied, shifting my weight around. The bus was crowded, so I was lucky I got a seat alone. Aiden sat next to a girl that looked like him. She wasn't paying attention.

"Can I call you N/N?"

I shrugged, pulling out my phone and earbuds. He was draining me of my energy, and yet he kept talking, even as I plugged the earbud into my slightly pointed, S/C ear.

"I'm Aiden Hunter! Ooh, what song are you listening to?" He leaned forward, grinning. As he got close, I could smell his scent. He smelled amazing, in not a creepy way. I showed him my phone screen. It's my favourite song, (song). I listened to it on repeat when I'm uncomfortable.

"No way! I love (Band/Artist)! My favourite song is (song different to yours)." I couldn't control the small smile that formed on my face. Aiden returned it with warmth. "Your smile is pretty." I blushed. The boy tilted his head to the side, winking. It was quick, and hard to notice, but it was still there.

"Want to be friends?" he asked, poking my shoulder lightly with his finger.

I hesitated, my cheeks still pink.


This chapter makes me happy. I wanna do more Aiden moments. He's actually based off of a boy I used to know mixed with Aiden Clark from Schoolbus Graveyard.

Alright, I love you, see you soon!


430 words

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