5 • Backwards

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Ahhhh almost 200 viewsss I love y'all so much

I actually have a question~ Would you rather I write Y/N's parts like You/Your or stick with I/My (if that makes sense)

Alrighty then, back to the story


I was watching Wednesday from afar at the fair thing; I never bothered to learn what it was. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Wednesday. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I'd decided to observe her since meeting her parents; I'd never even met Aiden's parents, so this was a big day.

She was looking back into the forest after a boy had run into it. I didn't like the boy. He tried to kill Wednesday.

"Rowan!" Wednesday's voice called. "Come back!" I didn't want the boy to return, so I drifted over to her. Before I could say anything, she took off running after him.

"Wait-" I managed to say before I could no longer see her. I let out a long string of creative swears.

I looked around frantically, taking in my surroundings. I needed a weapon in case the boy tried to hurt her. A pole holding up one of the tents would have to do. I walked over and put my (s/c) hands on it. I tugged and a long piece snapped of. I gripped it and started to march towards the forest.

"-you've got it backwards." Rowan's voice was firm and teasing. I saw him fling Wednesday into a tree with his telekinesis and hold her there. "You're the one who's in danger."

I held the pole over his head. Wednesday's eyes were wide. "Are you sure about that?" I brought the pole down.

Ahh I love cliffhangers. Next chapter will probably be longer than what I normally do.

I have some escaping stuff for Y/N but I don't know how to put it into the story aggh


*BEING REWRITTEN* Wednesday - An LGBTQ Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now