Intro | Season 1

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Owl House and its characters! All of that belongs to Dana Terrace, her team, and Disney||

||NOTE: This is the original intro with a few tweaks since you are a part of the story. The intro will also be linked above if you want to watch it||

Published: ~January 15th, 2023~


A single, brown door flashes before your eyes.

As a matter of fact, your eyes flutter open, resulting in you realizing that you fell through fluffy clouds in the evening sky. You instantly hear frightful screaming and feel something latch onto you. You glance over to see Luz's eyes softly watering in fear for her life.

Suddenly, an object bolts by to grab you both. The two of you look up and see Eda's signature smirk, even with her golden fang showing. You and Luz cheer with a devious King pointing at the flight path, racing through a collective body of lush forests.

You all return to the Owl House. The camera zooms in on the door where Luz stands triumphantly with Eda's staff in her hands. That was until the mentor popped up from behind her and snatched back the staff, all the while giving the brunette a certain face. Luz nervously smiles while you, Zena, and Hooty simply jump at the camera with eager grins.

Willow and Gus stand happily while Amity scowls and turns her back. The background burns to reveal glowing, beady eyes that took on a yellow hue, eventually zooming out to show King heavily frowning as if he got out of bed. He aggressively points at the sky, ordering his plushies to attack his enemies. However, they only just fall on him, startling the small demon.

Back at home, the camera pans to the Noceda residence and closes up on F/N, who spits out his drink from his sudden shock. Camila, formerly sat contentedly beside him, wiped her drenched face and glared at F/N. The latter could only anxiously frown, mentally preparing himself to get slapped in the face (and possibly be cursed out in Spanish).

The scene then changes to a hooded figure standing tall on a cliff, overseeing the luminous city that was Bonesborough. They then peer at the Emperor's Castle that loomed miles away in the dark, radiant night. The person turns around and walks away with a small smile, gazing at the camera with fiercely determined F/C-colored eyes.

Luz soars through a large banner, passing through all of Bonesborough's townsfolk. Tiny Nose runs toward the brunette, looking to hitch a ride. Luz rolls on the staff and high-fives Gus, who waves at the former along with Willow. She proceeds to make her way toward Eda and King running from guards. They jump on the staff and look behind them proudly.

The three then see you sprinting on a roof from the opposite side of them. You swiftly threw a brightly colored potion at the guards following you. They become temporarily dazed as you flip off the ledge, performing a few tricks. You also fist-bump your palisman. Zena quickly turns into her staff form, allowing you to grab onto it and fly at the same height as Luz. You flash a toothy grin at her, not aware of the pink tint on her cheeks.

The tables abruptly turn for all of you as the ground breaks apart, causing everyone to almost fall off of their staff. Luz screams once again and holds on tightly along with Eda and King whereas you quickly try to seize a picture of yourself and your mother. When you succeed in doing so, you draw many spell circles, giving your all at the monstrous creature behind you. Although, you ultimately get engulfed in the end.

Later, you all stand on the top of the Owl House. You come and place your hand on Luz's shoulder while King was steadily perched on the other. Eda proudly looks from afar. Luz glances down and removes her hand, revealing a small light orb. The gleaming attraction then floats upwards, lightly blowing up and creating a bright flash in the starry sky.

☪️💫◒◈THE OWL HOUSE◈◓💫☪️

◊⫸Created by Dana Terrace⫷

Fanfiction by SunnyJay9◉

-|Your favorite LGBTQ+ show with a weekly dose of magic, peril, and teenage love (and angst)|-


||And that is the original intro with a few of my tweaks in it. Now go and read 'intro número dos'! That's if you want to, of course!||

||BYEEE 👋||

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