Uncle Stefanos The Best

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Au where Stefano proceeds to adopt lily he is ordered to supposedly hand lily to Theodore before Sebastian takes lily back

Just some stuff about my au

- Stefano during this time didn't know about lilys power when he got very attached to her to the point of treating her like his own

-Stefano still comments about how he could have been a better dad if Sebastian wasn't alive

-you can tell who gave lily a gift on her birthday whenever Stefan is loud a so excited or hyped while Sebastian is just frustrated

-Stefano is the one that encouraged lily to take art lessons

-lily calls Stefano uncle Stefano

-Stefano would go hell on those who bully Lily. like don't mess with Lilly if you don't wanna become Stefanos next material for a "special" art project of his

(boys skip this part it's only for girls)

-I just imagine during Lily's teenage years when her friends (who are girls and are going through periods) just outright mention when Stefano mentioned his "crimson period"

(now you can continue boys)

-Stefano would teach lily how to speak Italian so that whenever Stefanos was mad he could just scream as much Italian as he want and lily could just translate for him

Imagine this

-during a meeting where lily is in trouble for getting in a fight with a boy who ruined her painting in art class-

Stefano:*mad as hell* Filetini come te sono ma un emberassment per la società dell'arte potresti andare e morire per tutto ciò che mi interessa!

(translate: philetines like you are but an emberassment to art society you could go and die for all i care!)

Principal*dont under understand italian*: um what is he saying?

Lily in a monotone voice: uncle stefano is saying your an emberassment to art society and you can all die for all he cares he also called you philetines

- i just imagin stefano speakinf in italian and no one would understand what stefano is actually comment exepct for lily


Sebastian: *wearing somthing* how do I look?

Stefano: pretty

Stefano mutters: piuttosto brutto come to Gesù Cristo qualcuno chi ama la Polizia Della Moda Sul suo brutto

(translation: pretty ugly like Jesus christ someone calls the fashion police on his ugly ass)

Lily who knows what Stefano said and whispers: So the hai detto zio Stefano

(Translation: I know what you said, uncle Stefano)

-sometimes he just wished he never thought lily was Italian sometimes

-Stefano is the one that stays at home to take care of lily and could cook a nice meal

-Lily is a teenager going through an emo phase  and giving an emo attitude while Stefano just suffers on the inside as it reminds him of HIS emo phase

It still makes him sob with how cringy  he was back then

-Stefano encourages lily to follow her heart while chasing after a boy she likes in class

-Stefano inst homophobic he just gets very critical of lilys choice making with boys and girls sometimes

- stefano would be the one to clap with joy if lily ever got in a fight

-stefano is like

Stefano: omg lily got in a fight *goes to lilys school and asks her* did you win?

-i feel like stefanos looks would make some of lilys friends moms fall in love with him he could at least can still pull some bitches

-stefano can never live without his tea

-stefano would be the last person to fall asleep watching a movie

-lily gets nightmares of theodore and stefano is always there comfort her

I just imagine this senario-

Theodore: *bullying lily*

Stefano about to whoop the "priests" ass for hurting lily

Sebastian pulling out the flame trower just to burn theodote alive


Wandering about obcura? Well unfortunately she doesnt come to the real world as she is part of mobius

But stefano just keep a molded skulpter of her in his small art room in the basement

-during holloween stefano dressed of ad a cat and lilly dressed up as a witch

Stefano was forced to be in a leach whete lily could tug him if she wanred ti

This was all sebastians idea

(that is all folk i will be making one for my nromal stefano au so bye)

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