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Au: an au where Stefano actually created his two daughter odellita and gierla in STEM after Sebastian "killed" him and destroyed his obscura and guardian


Gierla= the Guardian

Summary: Stefano talks about how it feels to be an only child of a manipulative mother


"You know" Stefano sighed at his two very angry daughters

Abigaila (obscura) who would glare daggers at gierla (the Guardian)  and gierla doing the same they both sitting next to each other while Stefano stood infrotn of them both

Stefano sighed "Dio mio... " Stefano grumblee

"you know girls" Stefano spoke taking a sit down on his arm chair "You should consider yourself lucky to have each other..." Stefano said

Both girl reacted like there father said the most offending or sexist comment in the world

"No way! I cannot bare her!" Both odelita and gierla yelled in sync only making Stefano rub his temple with a Huff

"Girls you really shouldnt be saying that" Stefano muttered "why? She is soo annoying and a huge pick me!" Gierla protested pointing at odelita  who gasp in offence "AT LEAST I BRUSH MY HAIR!"

"GIRLS" Stefano almost yelled making the room silent both girls now sitting down quietly

Stefano pinched the edge of his nose before speaking "do you know why I don't speak of your nonna?"

Both girls shake there heads and Stefano sighs before speaking "you know girls... " Stefano began

~flash back~

Back then... When I was just a  giovane ragazzo

A younger Stefano played with his toy while an a young woman was on the phone yelling very loudly and angrily

I was a lonely child

Young Stefano turned his head to hear the angry yells of his madre only frowning  before walking away with his toy on one hand

I didn't have a sibling you know and it was very VERY lonely

Stefano opened the door to his room and went in to close it before gresuming back to his playing  the room was bright with expensive decor but it felt very empty as Stefano crawled up to his bed and resumed playing

I would remember playing with my self all alone  I only had myself and my toys

Stefano placed the toys on different spores and began talking to them like they we're actual people

while yes ateast I didn't have to fight over for but that meant I had no one to talk to

Suddenly the door opened and came Stefano mother who walked in seemly stressed

Another sad part about being an only child

Stefano mother walked towards Stefano and grabbed Stefano highly wrapping his arms around her

When ever your mamma o papà would get angry or stressed

"oh bambino mio, per favore, non essere mai come tuo padre, va bene?" She spoke caressing Stefano hair

You would always be the one to witness it all and your all alone

"ok mamma"

~end of flash back~

"And you won't have anyone to be by your side" Stefano finished

Both odellita and gierla were silent not knowing what to reply

"Girls you should consider yourself lucky your even have each other" Stefano said before getting up from his chair "that's all I have to say I'll get going now" Stefano said leaving the room

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