Normal Stefano Au

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The photo is a bit of a way to give you an idea of what he looks like

Normal Stefano au is where Stefano never captured the photo that made him become what he is in the canon the evil within the game and becomes a normal guy who travels around the world making vlogs photography of things he saw, paintings, commissions, and whenever he is free just stays in his home where he can just rest and do commission or draw

For the sake of short typing here is whos whos

My stafno au: normal Stefano

Stefano from the evil within 2: original Stefano

Here is some other information

-Stefano if you read the third chapter you would know that Stefano had dreams of his original au I wanted to do it as a way to reference either

A:Stefano might have been reincarnated into his past self to change his faith


B: just a reference to the original Stefano's existence

-I was thinking of an idea where normal Stefano meets the original Stefano for some reason and they fight one another

-normal Stefano would pass probably scream in terror seeing the original Stefano's word and go "I DID THIS!?" when he finds out about the other crimes Stefano committed

(ok now straight only normal Stefano)


-Stefano has an eye patch that covered his other eye

-he speaks Italian when he is angry

-Stefano approves pineapple on pizza

I imagine Stefano just making a vlog and then suddenly he is teleported toMobiuss and goes "?????? What the fuck-"

-Stefano is the kind of artist of has OCS he calls them obscure and guardian (yes it's referencing to original Stefano)

-Stefanos is gay and a feminist

-because of his experience in war Stefano isn't someone you should mess with

-Stefano doesn't like horror movies makes him think of the war

-traveling a lot meant Stefano learned a few languages

- Stefano meets Sebastian the same guy from his dreams aka the guy that killed him in his dreams and just goes "nope" and walked the other

-Stefano watches Italian movies and uses romance character poses as reference

-Stefano singing any Italian language song

-Stefano wears those kinds of vlogs that dont cover his fingertips because he paints a lot

Stefano'soface-painted himself at one point

-I just imagine Stefano cursing in blatant English whenever his shot is messed up

-Stefano is a bit insecure about his right eye so he tried to cover it with his hair

-when he returned from the war he tried to contact his mother only to find out she died during his time in the war so our boy is depressed now

-Stefano keeps in touch with some of his war friends

-Stefano would always be the one to somehow accidentally capture the most insane moments

-Stefano gets bitches both men and women (by mistake)

-he would meet Emily and would nearly get a panic attack seeing her alive

-Stefano kept his war life and the dreams he had secret

-he is better at realistic than cartoony style

-Stefano would be a great art teacher except he doesn't have the patience or the time to teach

-Stefano sleeps while hugging a pillow I just wanna add that to him because he needs a hug for his PTSD

-he is dealing with PTSD and visions of his dreams

- finds enjoyment in taking pictures of views

-gets blushy when given a compliment

-Stefano drinks more coffee than an average man that's why he is sleep deprived

there are many reasons by he could be sleep deprived either too much coffee his nightmares because he is too busy he is traveling or nightmares and stress

-Stefanos wants to listen to jazz music

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