The Kitsune And The WereWolf

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Fox and wolf au: Sebastian is a werewolf a single father to lily who inherited her mother's human genes Stefano is a fox who is sly and has an artist pursuit hence why he likes to linger in his human form

Summary: an injured Stefani wants to sleep but lily finds him and Sebastian is involved


There is a tale of a young girl named lily

An innocent name I know but she is not so far from the word innocent

She is kind and gently curious about the world around her especially when she has a werewolf as a father

Because of their reputation as werewolves, she was bullied a lot for it

She wanted to go and see other things much to Sebastian's dismay she was stubborn like her father

One day Lily finally got permission from her father to allow her to go outside as long as the doesn't cross the forest borders that were at the back of their house

So she went out and played...


There was a fox known as Stefano Valentini

He was a fox on both sides of the family

He was a sly and trickster fox willing to cause a little bit of trouble whenever he felt like it

Stefano always found enjoyment in art the meaning of it or just the appearance among the arts

And he always loved to interact with mere human beings so he would spend most of like time as a human

One day Stefano was trying to make a trick but this time he was caught by the gangsters he tried to prank 

Being severely beaten up for

He barely escaped running away into the forest where he wanted a nap so he looked for the nearest tree and transformed into a fox as wrapped himself in a ball and went I sleep

Little did he know a certain little girl witnessed the transformation

Immediately lily ran home to call his father

"daddy there is an injured guy who turned into a fox!" lily called out to her father who sharply turned to her with a shocked expression

"What!? Sebastian said stopping what he was doing to turn to his daughter

"take me to him," he said as Billy grabbed Sebastian's hand and took him to the tree

Where the fox was still the tree injured he seemed asleep

"daddy is he going to be ok?" lily asked

"I down know-" suddenly Sebastian paused to see that the fox was very familiar to somebody he knew

"daddy?" lily asked "God him sweetie and wait in the living room," Sebastian said


"home" Sebastian ordered and lily silently nodded walking home

Sebastian stared at the fox

He started to shake it

Until the fox woke up sharply awake and looked at the man

But he recognized him

Transforming into a human and speaking "s-seb?" Stefani asked shocked at what he is seeing

"Stefano...." Sebastian trailed of

"It's been a  long time huh?" Stefano spoke in an awkward tone

"yes .... Since you left to go pursue your dreams," Sebastian replied bitterly crossing his arms

"am sorry ok? You would have held me back anyway" Stefano said

"HELD YOU BACK? Stefano am the only one who will EVER love you Stefano no one knows your history as much as I do" Sebastian growled

"and you STILL left me" Sebastian yelled some more

Stefano covering his ears replied "LA LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU~" Stefano pettily screamed

Sebastian huffed

"Just come with me I need to patch you up and you can go and leave for all I care" Sebastian poked getting up

Stefano looked at Sebastian just muttering fine beroe getting up

They both went home and Sebastian healed Stefano and left him to rest on  the bed

That day Stefano asko left not without saying goodbye this time

"till we meet again seb" Stefano spoke before walking away out of Sebastian's vision of sight

Stefano Valentini One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें