art and science

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(note am just going to have them talk in a gc chat and it's based on messanger)


The artist=Stefano Valentini

Ruvik= ruvik Victorian

"Fuck u"=Sebastian

Other notes:

~text~ (meas a comman of the gc happens example)

~girllboss left the groupchat~ or ~the artists name is turned to emo boy~


Ruvik: valentini you will be more logical and admit that science is way more better

The artist: just say it Your a nerd!

Ruvik: it's rather rude coming from your over inflated ego  pardon my language ass  who has been obsessed with something as strange as art

The artist: STRANGE?? the only strange thing I see is your burnt bacon frankstine Freddy crugar looking hybrid telling ME that my artwork is unrealistic!

Ruvik: BECAUSE IT IS the way the posture is done and the way it's acymmetrical and how you completely were inaccurate about the posture and all

The artist: it's called an "art style" which you probably didn't know exist since your have your disgusting brain exposed to the elements! How are you even alive!?

~the artist changed ruvik's nickname to nerdie ~

Nerdie: 2 can play that game

~berdie changed the artist's name to emo boy~


Nerdie: it's only fair valentini

"Fuck u": oh my god the emo boy is here 🤣

Emo boy: shut up Sebastian


I hope that satisfied the request

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