seb hab crying stefano

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This is what truly cauth my attention while reading the comment and now I want to see more fan fiction of him crying😃👍

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This is what truly cauth my attention while reading the comment and now I want to see more fan fiction of him crying😃👍

Summary: after stefano gets trashed talked and amberassed by art critics  sebastian goes to find a more vulnerable side of stefano


Sebastian a watched as stefano rank out of the stage looking humiliated and hurt as the art critics tsked and some laughed

Sebastian didnt really like stefano as much but what he just witness started to make him feel bad toward him

The art wasn't even that bad for his standards he honestly doesn't know much about art but the art was nice a painting of a girl with ballerina dress and dancing in a pool of blood with a rose and rose rose petals imbelishments in it

Once the crowd were back to there business Sebastian went to go look for stefano

After a while Sebastian found the man he was looking for And what he saw was the last thing he expected

When Sebastian found stefano the man was in the dark part of the gallery against the wall and curled  up in a ball covering his face with the scar

he was wearing as his eyes poured with tears and sobs quietly Crying in such a manner that he looked so vulnerable as he held his red scar to his eyes tear pouring eyes

He didn't know why but Sebastians heart stingged when he saw the man like this

He walked towards him and the foot steps were heard by stefano who turned to see Sebastian

"I-if your here j-julust to say more b-bad things to be more t-thank just g-go away.." Stefano stuttered between sniffs

His voice was broken thought the tears that it sounded like that what ever ego or pride he had was crushed into bits

Sebastian hugged replying "am not here to talk about your art am just wandering if your ok"

Sebastian sat next to stefano who still continued to cry wiping away the tears with his scarf

Sebastian pulled out a tissue and spoke as he held it to stefano "here" nudging the titties to stefano

He reluctantly took it "thanks you" he muttered as he wiped his tears

"You feeling better" Sebastian asked but stefano stayed silent

"I-if don't understand I worked so hard on that piece!" he sobbed

With a Huff Sebastian spoke "You can't make everyone happy stefano"

Then Stefano turned to sebastian and asked "than what do you think of my art?" Stefano asked curiously

Sebastian replied "it's nice very different from the kinds for art I usually see though"

Stefanos face lit up and asked "do you think my art is special? "

Sebastian looked at Stefano and answered "yeah I guess"

That answered made Stefano smile and Sebastian sighed

"Want to go to that bar? " Sebastian asked

Stefano sighed "some alcohol wouldn't hurt" he sighed

Both men got up and they went to go drink

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