au ideas and ideas in general

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Some au ideas and just ideas because

1:Stefano is married to Emily Lewis and they become a criminal couple with lewis becoming her own serial killer with Stefano

2:stefano adopts a cat and stefano being a cat person

3: Theodore Wallace adopts a teenager stefano unknowingly enraging a very angry mother of said teenager stefano Valentini

4: my Maria Valentini of just being stefanos menipulative  mother and being a large influence over stefano even after death

5: stefano never joined the military and just became a normal photographer and stefano lived

6:just stefano and Theodore Wallace but there roles are switched (they still keep there own monsters and we still keep most of stefano and Theodore personalities the same)

7: Emily comes back to life to helps Sebastian kill stefano by flirting with stefano😏

8: stefano loses his memories and helps Sebastian and later on finds out and has a crisis about his life decisions

9: obscura turns into a little girl and starts calling stefano her daddy because fuck it I want a obscura and stefano moment that's father and daughter

10: stefano Valentini is a art teacher and falls for the PE teacher Emily Lewis  (and becomes a stalker or they fall in love and get married)

11: professional sculpter stefano being in love for Emily Lewis and shows this love by making a sculpture of Emily Lewis  and putting it in Emily's room every day (don't ask how he does that ☺)

12: Sebastian becomes phycho and delusional after loosing his daughter in STEM and stefano must deal with it  by playing house with Sebastian

13: just stefano being a fencing teacher and private tutor of lily and just flirting with Lily's dad ala Sebastian

14: art teacher stefano Valentini has a bickering rivalry with science teacher Ruben  meanwhile religion teacher Theodore Wallace is just watching

15: Ruben and stefano switch clothes for a whole day  and stefano suffering from all the itch and filth that is ruviks clothes and ruvik finally wearing something nice for the first time

16: just stefano being a fanboy of ruviks work (still a bit of a critic but still a fanboy)

17: Theodore dealing with a moody teenage stefano because let's make Theodore suffer fatherhood

18: stefano as an emo teenanger (//_^) because I can't help but imagine

19: just stefano forcing Sebastian to wear  something highly formal  during a family reunion with stefanos mother

20: stefano is a gullible religion man who goes son to worships ruvik as a god after being left behind by Theodore Wallace and being a pleaser and being so desperate for the love of his god (ruvik) that even ruvik pities him

21: stefano being an aitheist who only joined Theodore because he found the offer interesting and also stefano just being a gay man who supported feminism and drag (he doesn't do it himself because he doesn't have that much self-esteem)

22: stefano having so much low self-esteem that when you compliment his work he actually cries

23: stefano if stefano never lost his fucking eye and went coo coo bananas and met og stefano

24: stefano gets catfished and is angry about it

25: stefano used to be afraid of dogs as a little boy and now still Hayes dogs as a grown adult

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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