red and green flags

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Summary: stefano  valentini green flags and red flags when you and stefano are in a romantic relationship

Male stefano vs female stefano


Male stefano x person

Green flags:

-would treat you like the most precious thing in the world

-being very expressive and open and shows his compassion in art

-likes to spoil you with gifts

-be very flirty when in the mood

-enjoys to paint you in many poses and styles

-likes to take pictures of you

-enjoys cuddles

-a switch in bed

Red flags:

-a creep who is clingy/possesive

-would gaslight you into staying with him

-would blackmail you if you try to rat him out to the police

-would start stalking if you choose to break up with him or just kill you

-would more likely see you as a hinderence to his goals

-would run away from you if you ended up having a kid and not pay child support


Female stefano

Green flags:

-highly affectionate

-loves to give you all her love and attention

-pretty flirtatious and enjoys teasing you

-likes your presence and finds you amazing company

-would spend a whole lot of money for you

-would go on a fight for you

Red flags:

-huge gaslighter

-would use you for sexual pleasure

-frame you for rape (if your a male)

-would slap you and kick you out of the house for petty reasons

- would be very jealousy and paranoid

- would kill you if you tried to break up with her or try to rat her out to the police

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