A Dress For You

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Just part 2 of "you're my friend now"

Summary: Stefano wants lily to wear a dress


Eventually, they reachedStefano'ss the bedroom where lily was placed down

"Stay here child," Stefano said as he left the room leaving lily alone

Allowing her to look around the room while still sitting on the bed

It was decorated with blue colors the walls colored blue and the room gave off an Italian-style room

Colores blue with some emerald green accent colors

There were some portraits of people and horrifying photos that made lily want to avoid staring at

Everything was quiet until Stefano opened the door coming in with neatly folded clothes

As Stefano placed them down he said "put these on" Stefano said as lily just stared at them confused for she didn't know why she had to wear

But she did anyway as he left the room and gave lily a chance to put on the dress

The dress was blue with some baby blue accent colores

Stefano came in with a camera and looked astonished at lily

"Perfect!" Stefano proudly said as she went towards lily to adjust the dress

"what about my dad will we find him?" July asked and Stefano just replied "we will find him but first let's enjoy the moment while we still can" Stefano said

Stefano Valentini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now