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(I head cannoned that Stefano's scarf was a gift from Emily lewis )

Summary: Stefano thinks about Emily


The scarf that is wrapped around Stefan's neck

Is something he cherishes though not seen by the public or other eyes

He would curl around this scarf and softly cry as the fabric of the scarf would consume the tears that poured from his eyes

This scarf isn't just an ordinary scarf it was a gift

A gift from a friend

It happened too long ago when he was still a the belonging stage of his pursuit and he needed to find models

So he became a fashion photographer for models and another popular celebrity

There was one model out of everyone that kept singing the others

A young beautiful woman named Emily lewis

Emily, it was a name that somehow gave Stefano butterflies in his stomach

Their first conversation went smoothly and so did the next and the next and just all

They were friendly with each other it could also be assumed they were best friends

But Stefano could envision their relationship as such

One day on Valentine's day

Stefani wasn't expecting much today for she never found any interest in valentines day

He had the art to make after all but

During the afternoon Emily arrived with something behind her back

"hey Stefano" Emily waved

"Hello Emily" stefano replied ad he set up the cameras for fame lies next shoot

"since it's Valentine's day..." Emily spoke

She then revealed the thing behind her back

It was a folded clothes wrapped in plastic decorated with a bow on top an

"what is this??" Stefano asked as he took it and opened the plastic

Revealing a long dark red scarf

"w-woe" Stefano muttered shocked as he held the fabric with his fingertips

For it was sold like fur and very thing like paper

"you should try it on" Emily suggested and Stefano did

Wrapping the scarf around his neck he felt a bit ticklish from the touch of the fabric on his skin

When he was done he looked he turned a piece of fabric into a socket

And Emily giggled "let me help you," Emily said as she loosens the scarf and neatly wrapped it around Stefano's neck

"you look amazing!" Emily smiled looking at Stefano up and down

And Stefano looked at the mirror that held his reflection and was amazingly

Thou he the red didn't match his black suit that didn't mean the scare alone didn't look good

"thank you, Emily..." Stefano muttered

And that day Stefano cherished the scarf and all of his memories with Emily

Until he killed her with the intent of turning her into something beautiful

Stefano Valentini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now