shy boi

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Making my head cannons into stories

part 2- stefano was a shy kid when he was a young child


Whenever you look at Stefano you wouldn't assume Stefano is a shy guy who gets nervous around people and you would be right as Stefano isn't the opposite he is a confident man who can strike a conversation with ease an extrovert who has class and one who always makes the first move

And would you believe that under all of that confidence was once a shy timid little boy?

Well your in for a surprised as back then when Stefano was still a young little lad back at Florence italy with his mother Stefano was homeschooled and he didnt like to socializ with any of the kids well he did talk to people but it was only to people who worked in the mansion like a butler and a few maids and to stefanos mother herself

Because of stefanos mother's work as a fashion model she always brings her son with him and because of his mother fame all eyes would he on her and Stefano

Stefano would be scared of the cameras that would flash there bright lights as Stefano followed his mother like a lost puppy all around the place

And if someone tried to talk to Stefano Stefano would squeak and his behind his mother's leg people found it sweet and wholesome

And as the years went on stefanos confidence only grew as Stefano begins to go to school

And as the years gone by he was now the man he was today

It would be hard to believe he was once a shy and timid boy but people have to start from somewhere after all and Stefano would act in be embarrassed if you reminded him of his shy days

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