Pretty Man

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Summary: Stefano's desire for a kiss in the lips from Sebastian's makes him take back his words  


Stefano wanted to kiss his husband so badly but he can't because he is mad

just a while ago Sebastian and Stefano just into an argument about each other clinginess

It started as a joke about their sex life but it went completely downhill from there

Sebastian claimed that Stefano was like some kind of cat or dog who wouldn't stop rubbing himself onto Sebastian even outside of the bed

Thought yes Sebastian was right about those but the next one made Stefano want to punch him in the face

Sebastian called him a possessive hoe

Stefano completely
Ghosted Sebastian that day and the next day and the other day and just for the rest of the week 

Much to Sebastian's dismay. Stefano still didn't want to speak to him even after Sebastian apologized

As bother men were in the bed Stefano covered himself with a blanket and turned to the other direction away from Sebastian

"baby please am sorry I called you a hoe! I wasn't in my head at the time " Sebastian pleaded desperately only to be replied with silence

"I know you're mad and I want to repay you in some way so please!" Sebastian begged but Stefano huffed and turned away

"no... Am still angry" Stefano said even under the blanket he said it in his angry voice

"babe there's no way you could be mad at me forever right??" Sebastian asked and Stefano finally curled himself to kiss Sebastian. In the lips

"I partially forgive you," Stefano said before going back to his passion except he was I curled a bit and actually did cover himself

"I'll take that as a yes" sebastian said proudly

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