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Summary:  they go to Florence Italy


When he finally landed in Italy Stefano just kept on snapping photos of what he saw at first it was slightly annoying got Sebastian but eventually, he got used to it even suggested some place where  Stefano could take photos which always excited him Stefano as he kept on finding subjects for him to photograph

Stefano was very hyped between the three of them lily and Sebastian were being dragged by an excited Stefano as he talked about his younger days and made them try Italy's restaurants and bought what he could so he could bring home

While Sebastian just wanted there trip to Italy to be just simple it seemed that being in his childhood country made something click in Stefano

Just him roaming around the parks of Italy Stefano was almost like a child in Disney land

It was humorous a little bit embarrassing but it was still amusing

One day Stefano spot an art gallery and almost literally dragged  Sebastian to said art gallery

Many beautifully portraits and painted filled the plain white walls as Stefano talked about almost each one of them with passion talking about his favorite artists and artworks

One portrait caught Stefano attentione
Stefano stared at it with  silence no word coming from him for his eyes laid apon a portrait of a woman with a blue dress with Emerald green Jewel she had short wavy black hair with blue eyes almost similar to Stefano

Comparing the two may make you assume they are related which might explains Stefano silence staring at the photo

"They...Kept it?" Stefano muttered a tear streaming from his face as he saw the label that said 'Valentini'

"Stefano..." Sebastian  muttered holding his hand into Stefano shoulder

"I-its fine"  Stefano said wipping a tear of his face before he turned to Sebastian "just had a memory flash back that's all" Stefano said

They left the gallery and got to a hotel and rested

Stefano Valentini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now