Your My Friend Now

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Summary: Stefano finds lily and takes her under his wing

(this takes place when Stefano can't influence by Theodore Wallace yet)


Lily hid under the desk as she whimpered holding tight to her stuffed toy scared for dear life

For something or someone was after her and wanted to use her for their most selfish gain

She saw the door open and hid behind A window crate as she peaked over to see a tall-looking guy

He didn't seem to look like the man that was after her but she still hid

As the man didn't leave he looked around seemly looking for something

She held her breath scared until she saw that the figure turned in her direction

Until he heard A voice "come out now" the voice seemed demanding but gentle at the same time

Diidnt seem genuine but seemed tried

She didn't know what to do

She didn't know whether to come out to be taken away

or to be saved

But she took her chances For They didn't grab her out of the hiding place the man didn't appear to have bad intentions

So she crawled out of the hiding spot

And she finally saw the man's full appearance

He had half of his face covered with hair he had blue eyes and was wearing a blue tuxedo with a red scarf and some crimson red clothes holding a knife in one hand

"what are you doing here child?" the stranger demanded seemly confused with the question in his head

Why was a child doing here in his domain? she was wondering why she was here too

But the man silently picked up the girl and looked at her

Her blue eyes and short black hair innocently stared at Stefano her pink pajamas were wrinkled

"i-i am lost... Could you help me find my daddy?" she innocently asked

He stared "sure I suppose but you're coming with me" the man spoke As he wrapped the girl around his arms and took her away

Lily thinks she is about to make a new friend maybe this new friend could protect her and help her find his dad


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