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Summary: Stefano is shot in the arm by a policeman being mistaken for the criminal they were looking for and Sebastian comes to the rescue

(this takes place in the kitsune au)


"Mr. MARCIOLS PUT YOUR HANDS IN YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" a policeman yelled as Stefano just turned around

"I said PUT.YOUR.HANDS.IN.THE.AIR" the police said pointing the gun closer to Stefano who instantly raised his hands

"o-officer you got the wrong guy!" Stefano pleaded

"stop lying !" the officer said

"Now quit escaping," the officer said about to handcuff stefano before Stefano pushed the policemen and tried to get away

Only for a bullet his Stefano in the leg causing stefano to scream and fall and fall down

As Stefano held his ankle trying to stop the bleeding he was roughly grabbed by the hair

"I fucking told you!" the policeman said before suddenly a yell from a familiar voice hit Stefanos ears


Stefano and the police turned their heads to see Detective Castellanos who walked toward them "s-seb?" Stefano muttered not heard by anyone

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" he yelled grabbing Stefano out of the man's grasp

"CANT YOU SEE HE IS NOT THE GUY YOU ARE LOOKING FOR!?" Sebastian barked indicating stefano hair and clothing

The officer stayed quiet and then said "apologies"

"That's right apologize to this innocent man and expect it to be in your record.AGAIN" Sebastian said gently placing Stefano on the ground stefanos back relaxed a bit from the touch

That got the cop to walk away

"come on we got to take you to the clinic," Sebastian said picking up Stefano bridal style

"t-thank you seb.." Stefano muttered 

"you're welcome" Sebastian muttered pecking a kiss on Stefano's forehead as they went inside the nearest clinic

After a while, Stefano's ankle was fine and just needed some bed rest

"Thanks for saving my ass back there," Stefano said as he rested on the chair

"Again you're welcome" Sebastian sighed as he patted stefanos head and it made Stefano feel warm inside

Stefano and Sebastian walked out of the hospital and S finally transformed back into his fox form being carried by Sebastian again

"just next time don't leave the house without me knowing alright?" Sebastian muttered and Stefano nodded in his fox form as Sebastian walked home

(finally came around to write a part for kitsune!stefano)

Stefano Valentini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now