Younger Stefano

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Because the official game didn't specify very much about Stefano's life before the war (mostly his childhood)

So this chapter will just ms ranting about my perspective on what I think Stefano's childhood was like

-I imagine Stefano living a luxurious life and not having those that I like to personally call "the villain with the sad backstory"

maybe in Stefano's perspective but anyways here me out on this

I imagine Stefano bring born as an only child (evidence is clear of Stefano never mentioning another sibling)

And is the son of a well-known singer/model her name is maria Valentini

-I imagine how maria and Stefano's father separated with the father leaving because he didn't want to raise Stefano

(I imagine future Stefano targeting his dad after the news of his mothers passing)

-I like to believe that Stefano was a very shy kid back then and would always higher behind his mother's back and inside his mother's skirt (if the skirt was big enough for him)

-ooooh I like the idea of Stefano Valentini being a cute innocent boy who just plays with his toys whenever matia is having those interviews in public 

(I just imagine this)

Maria: *being interviewed by someone*

Stefano: *innocently playing with his plush beside his mommy*

-I also think that maria would usually have to bring Stefano with her because of the fear something bad will happen to him

-maria loves her song very much even willing to go so low for Stefano (hence where the mother Valentini au goes )

- if Stefano's father ever tried to communicate with Stefano as an adult I imagine Stefano started professionally but finding out would lead to Stefano going "imma ignore you like you have ignored Mr and my mom"

-Stefano would usually be behind the scenes(or curtains idk) whenever her mom is doing her shoots or singing

-Stefano gets excited whenever he sees his mom in a magazine

-Stefano was very much adored by the other staff or guests who stumble upon him

- I imagine because Stefano would equally wear only hoodies and sweatpants (due to his old it is in the studios) guards would always think he is some intruder

- Stefano just being a young kid and his little wagon wandering around his home "showing his. Friends around the house"

-Stefano was given the best of the best as a kid mostly his education and studied the best schools

-Stefano probably has his dream of photography (it might be why he became a war photographer) young from all the paparazzi and their cameras

- I imagine a 5-year-old Stefano crying because he doesn't know where his mom is

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