So What If I Find Him Cute?

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Summary: Stefano just speaking in Italian about how attractive Sebastian only to reply in Italian from Sebastian


Every since Stefano was saved by Sebastian Stefano was very quiet around him

Usually, he would hear the sound ofStefano'ss annoying remarks about Sebastian's lifestyle but now it's been less than a ton he hears the Italian man's voice

Now Stefanos has been speaking to lily more it's not bad at first but Sebastian noticed a bit of detail whenever Stefano and lily have a conversation

Stefano usually speaks to lily in Italian whenever Sebastian is around while lilu just listens as if she understands what Stefano is saying

And whenever Sebastian asks what a
They were talking about Stefano just denying the conversations they have ever happened

One day Sebastian decided to voice-record their conversations

Curiously he wanted to translate what it all in man was saying

And when he translated it he was shocked

-record 1:sembro gay che trovo tuo padre sexy?

Translation: do I sound gay that I find your father hot?

-record 2: Sebastian sembra un uomo piuttosto attraente con quel vestito

Translation: Sebastian looks quite an attractive man in that suit

-Record 3:tuo padre per caso trova gli uomini attraenti?

Translation: does your father happen to find men attractive?

-record 4: Lily tuo padre è semplicemente più bello di qualsiasi dio o dea

Translation: Lily your father is just more beautiful than any god or goddess

-record 5: Lily, non ti dispiacerebbe se diventassi tuo suocero? Se potessi quel js

Translation: Lily you wouldn't mind if I would become your father-in-law? If I could that js

-record 6: pensi che anche io piaccio a Sebastian??

Translation: do you think Sebastian even likes me back??

Sebastian had one thing to say

He is surprised he should probably talk to Stefano about this, especially with the fact that he's been saying to lily of all people I mean he didn't have anyone else to talk to other than the person he wanted to avoid and he could be able to leave the house without sebasitja being paranoid

And it's not like he has a problem with this he kinda does find the Italian man attractive to his smooth voice and the way he sways around the house.

He definitely should at least maybe Stefano would stop using things from him


Stefano: sai che vorrei poter essere solo più vicino a lui, sai

(translation: you know I wish that I could be just closer to him you know? )

Sebastian: sai che vorrei poter essere solo più vicino a lui, sai?

(translation: you could always get closer to me in bed)


Sebastian: I only learned it just for this moment

( it was a real pain trying to translate everything )

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