Chapter 3

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As soon as Bella and Zaylie stepped into the bourse, all they could hear was yelling

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As soon as Bella and Zaylie stepped into the bourse, all they could hear was yelling.

Suddenly, the sound of something shattering from upstairs echoed through the house, followed by two identical screams.

"Ivy and Heather are up there!" Zaylie gasped.

"We have to get them away from there!" Bella shouted, running to the stairs, and then up them. Zaylie was right on her heels.

When they got upstairs, Ivy and Heather were frozen in terror in the hallway.

Bella took Heather's hand, while Zaylie took Ivy's.

"Come on. We're going downstairs, so you can tell me what they said." Bella said as they all walked down to the ground level.

When Bella and Zaylie finally got Heather and Ivy into the living room, Ivy burst out. "We heard them say that they would kick us out, or send us to foster care!"

"No, Ivy. Only Dad said that. Mom was protesting. She thinks we should stay." Heather corrected.

At this, Zaylie's face paled, while Bella, in a state of utter shock said in a horrified voice, "But that means things are about to change. And for the worst."

"You should go up there, and try to change Dad's mind." Heather said hopefully.

Ivy nodded in agreement.

Bella sighed, knowing that she could do little to change what her dad thought.

"You guys can wait down here. I'll be back." Bella said as she climbed up the stairs.

As soon as she stepped into her mother's bedroom, she realized that the arguments had been going on longer than she had been on the planet called Earth.

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