Chapter 7

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A few minutes later, Bella was sitting outside a small room, in a chair

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A few minutes later, Bella was sitting outside a small room, in a chair. The lady was talking to someone inside the room.

Then, a few seconds later, she came back with a different lady behind her.

Both ladies came up to her, and the Second Lady said, "Hi, Bella. My name is Ms. Conners. We have some other people that you should meet."

At this point, Bella didn't want to hear about another new thing. But instead, she just sucked it up, and got up to follow her anyways.

When she stepped into the room, she saw two boys. They turned around to stare at her. Now she just wanted to run right out of there.

She turned around and shoved past Ms. Conners. She ran to the door and burst through it. She bolted down the hallway.

Bella couldn't believe she was here. How had today gone so wrong?


Bella had no sense of direction. All she knew was that she had to get away from that room.

She heard Ms. Conners trying to call her back. Bella rounded a corner and collided with someone. She fell down, landing on her leg.

Despite the pain, she still jumped back onto her feet, hoping to get away. But of course, she wasn't fast enough.

The person got to their feet, and now Bella could see that it was a security guard. Of course. It had to be a man of authority.

The man looked her up and down, then asked her, "Are you lost?"

Suddenly, Bella knew that she couldn't handle her temper any longer.

Her rage came sweeping in, and she spat, "I am not lost! I can find my own way through this stupid building by myself!!"

And before she could step past him, Ms. Conners came careening around the corner, and yanked her back to the room.

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