"Not" dating

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She lightly giggled and arched her back slightly. "Stop. That tickles."

"Does it?" The boy asked from behind her with a sly smirk. Inches away from her ear. Cold hands on her bare shoulders; she was wearing a vest then. He continued to kiss her neck softly only for the satisfaction of it.

Or was it?

"Hey, guys, sorry we're late." Mika walked in with Miles, staring at her screen. "We had to wait for our mom because Miles here can't telep..." she came to a stand still in her very position. "What's going on?" She asked softly.

"Nothing." Chapa said so calmly. And you'd be shoked at her calm response yet Bose looked so guilty. "What's up?"

"You uh, you look...busy." She quirked her eyebrow up and back down in a flash.

"Bose and I were just watching something on clik-clok. Right Bose?"

Bose hesitated. "Yeah. What else could we be doing?" Sounding less agitated than he looked.

"I thought you were kissing her neck." Mika said slowly. "That would be crazy though. I mean you're not dating." She started laughing and Miles joined in. "Are you?" She suddenly became serious.

Chapa laughed herself. "Ofcourse not. Not in a million years."


"Since Ray's not here yet, anyone wanna go to hiphop pureé?" Bose asked. Chapa stood up and walked hand in hand, intertwined fingers with the boy. "Let's go." Mika and Miles followed behind.


"You guys have been holding hands since we started off." Miles pointed out as Mika went to order.

Chapa and Bose immediately let go of each other's hands and tried to act casual. "Yeah, so?" Chapa asked.

"So why?"

Chapa narrowed her eyes. "You know he can't cross the street by himself. What's your deal? You want me to hold yours? I mean, that's what friends do and I would--" Miles put out his hand for her to hold and her face became as cruel as hell's fire. "You have three seconds to take your dirty hand away from me or I will--" she didn't have to finish that sentence to see the quirked eyebrow on Miles' face and slight smile as he crossed his arms. "Just go order your puree." She looked away, red in the face.

Seated by their table, waiting for their drinks, Bose stands up. "I uh I'm gonna go fix my hair. Chapa can you help?"

"Sure. Come on." Chapa stood up and followed Bose around.

What felt like hours later, Chapa and Bose came back.

"We're back." Bose said with a sly smirk and ran a hand through his head. Chapa behind him.

"Took you long enough." Mika huffed. "Yeah. I almost drank your purees." Miles added.

"You did. Twice. I had to order more." Mika looked back.at them. What were you doing?"

"Yeah uh..." Bose and Chapa started making up lies and mumbling nonsense while backing out of HipHop Puree. Twins had no choice but to follow behind, holding their purees for them.


"That one looks like an angry face. Reminds me of Chapa. Oh! That one looks like a bouquet of flowers! Reminds me of the ones I gave you last night." He smiled and Chapa looked away to hide the rise of blood in her cheeks.

One-shots of Bapa (DangerForce)Where stories live. Discover now