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TW// cussing, bullying, homophobia, hitting

Raven's POV

I hadn't told my family about Faro being here. They know who he is and know that I really look up to him. I sort of didn't know how to tell them. Like what do I say? "Hey mom, dad, Sashi, my idol, Faro Carson, is staying in a nice hotel about thirty minutes from here. Oh yeah, and he's coaching me." Like, no. I don't really know how I'm gonna tell them.

I walked to school with Sashi. It was quiet. I had apologized for lashing out on him, and they forgave me, thankfully.

When we got to school, we went our separate ways.

I walked into my first class, and noticed a person sitting next to my desk in the back of the room. They were pretty tall, wearing a black hoodie, with the hood up. I noticed some light blue strings of hair peaking from behind the hood.

I slowly walked over and sat down.

The person looked over.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here." They breathed out. "Wha- What are you doing here, Faro?" I asked in a hushed voice. "I'm still in school, you know. I'm only seventeen. I'm gonna be her for a while, and I can't just not go to school." He laughed. I blinked a few times. "Lord, Faro. What're people gonna say? You're gonna get harassed by crazy fans!" He shrugged.

"Oh, by the way, I requested for our schedules to be the same. That way I won't have to worry about finding places or being awkward and alone during lunch." He chuckled.

I sighed.

"So I'm gonna be with you all day?" I asked. "Yup. Why, is that a bad thing? Thought I was your idol." He teased. I blushed with embarrassment. "Shut- Shut up, Faro." I said.

A few moments later, the teacher stared talking.

"Alright, open your books to chapter nine. We've gotta finish this book and test on it." He sighed. I pulled the book we're reading from my bag and flipped to chapter nine.

I glanced over, noticing Faro looking slightly nervous as he checked the inside of his desk for a book. I tapped on his shoulder. He looked over and I scooted my chair next to his, resting my hand on his desk so we could both see the book as the teacher read.

"I- Uh, thank- thank you." He stuttered. I nodded, and went back to paying attention to the book.

Time skip

By time we were done reading, Faro had already asked me a thousand questions on what was going on, because he hadn't been there for the first eight chapters.

I didn't know Faro wore glasses until now. He kept thin, round, gold glasses on his nose at all times during the day.

He wasn't as recognizable with his glasses, so that's good. Plus, he kept his hood up.

The day was almost over. Just thirty or so more minutes. I walked down the hall by myself. I had misplaced Faro a few minutes ago, and I was looking for him. I had put his number in my phone, so I texted him, asking where he was.

He had no idea.

I asked what his surroundings looked like.

He said "Blue walls, white floor, and dark brown doors. Hallway."

When, I hate to break it to you, Faro, but that's this entire fucking school.

Eventually, I sort of gave up, hoping I'd just come across him. I stopped by my locker to grab a book. I was about half way done with my code when I felt someone shove me from behind, making my head hit the metal locker. I felt dizzy for a moment.

ʜ ɪ s ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʏ    ᴍ ᴀ ᴋ ᴇ ʀ sOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora