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18 1 0

Raven's POV
A few days later

Faro was, once again, going to my school with me for the time being.

The two of us walked into the building holding hands, Sashi by my side.

"Bye, Ray, have a good day! Later, Faro!" Sashi yelled as she ran off. I waved with my free hand, as did Faro.

People looked our way, pointing and whispering. This time, however, instead of feeling bad about them taking, I didn't care.

We walked down the hall, towards our class, giggling and smiling and talking at each other. People watched. I brushed them off. When we entered the classroom, and went to our seats, the teacher stared to speak.

"Raven! Saw you and Faro on the television. Congratulations, you did amazing. You deserved that win." He said. I was a bit shocked, as this teacher is usually rude. "Thank- Thank you." I smiled.

He pointed between Faro and I, raising his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, laughing under my breath, lying my head onto my desk.

As the day went on, more and more people that I've never even seem before looked at me and said 'hi' as we passed in the hallway. Me thinking that they're either just being nice, or wanting to have the satisfaction of saying "I've spoke to the youngest figure skating first time gold winner to ever exist."

As the two of us walked down the hall, I spotted those three boys coming down the hall in the opposite direction. Not directly headed towards me, but coming closer as we walked, if that makes sense.

I looked down at the floor as they passed, not wanting to make eye contact. As they passed, I heard a very quiet "I'm sorry" coming from the one who had filmed me that day. I stopped walking, making Faro stop.

"Hey," I called, making the three boys stop walking, and turn around to face me. We stood about five feet apart. I smiled. "It's alright. I forgive you." I said. They lightly smiled, and kept walking.

"Your mum was right." Faro said. "Hm?" "She was right. You really are too kind for this world." He smiled.


Words: 365

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