ᴇ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ

37 2 0

TW// cussing, self harm scars, brief ed mention (he doesn't have one)
[I think thanks it?]

Raven's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring through my ears.

"Turn that shit off, Ray!" Sashi yelled. "Sorry!" I sleepily apologized.

I got up and grabbed my skating bag, threw on a loose T shirt, a baggy hoodie, and some sweats, am left for the front door.

"You're up! Headed to the rink?" My dad asked. "Yup!" I skipped towards the door. "How long you gonna be gone?" He asked. "Probably all day." I said. He nodded. "Eat something before you leave, Raven. You're getting thin." He said.

My heart stopped for a moment. When was the last time I had ate anything? With everything going on right now, eating just slipped my mind, and I never did it. I hadn't even thought about food. Only now did I feel the emptiness in my stomach, and the hunger clawing at my ribs.

"I will, dad!" I said, walking into the kitchen. I looked around for something to eat, and grabbed an apple, as I wanted to save the small amounts of food we have for my family.

"Bye, dad! Don't be late to work!" I said, grabbing my skates. "Huh? Oh crap I'm gonna be late!" He shrieked. I laughed, and left, sliding on my sneakers.

I walked excitingly down the street. My first 'lesson' with my fucking idol. So excited!

Before I knew it, I was already at the rink, and my apple had just one bite out of it. I shrugged, and tossed it in a nearby bin. I don't really like apples anyways.

"Hey, Raven!" Uneva greeted up. I smiled and waved without a word and jogged into the back. I saw Faro's things sitting on the bench. I changed into my outfit and tied on my skates.

I went out to the rink and saw Faro, gliding across the ice so effortlessly. So focused. He spotted me and slowed down, waving.

"Raven!" He smiled. I lightly smiled as he came over to me. "I have something for you!" He got off the ice and left for a moment. When he came back he had an outfit with him.

"It's an old one of mine and I don't wear it anymore. It's too small for me now but I'm sure it'd fit you! You're little!" He said, shoving it in my arms. "Go try it!"

I left to go see if it'd fit. When I looked at it, I noticed it only had one sleeve. I paused for a moment, worried. Afraid. Afraid that, either I just have it turned backwards, or it's gonna show my severely cut arm.

I put the outfit on, and, thankfully, it covered my left arm.

Me, being right handed, ninety-nine percent of my cuts are on my left arm, but there are three on my right arm. The three aren't very noticeable, but they're still there. You can see them if you look close enough.

The outfit was pretty. It was a very dark grey with blue-ish-green parts on it that waved when I moved, as they weren't completely sewn onto the dark grey.
(The one in the art ASlushee made for me)

I left the locker room once more.

"Took you long enough! You-" Faro cut himself off when he saw me. From across the room, I could of sworn his face was pink, but that could just be from the cold of the room. He cleared his throat. "Looks great on you, dude!" He smiled. "Thanks." I said, holding my right arm by my side.

"Well, let's get started, shall we?"

Time skip

A couple of hours passed, and I was tired. I also felt very weak and I was a bit shaky. Maybe from a mixture of my empty stomach, and the nervousness of him seeing my cuts.

"You ok, mate?" Faro suddenly asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." I said, my voice slightly shaking. "Did you eat this morning? You don't look too good." He said. I shook my head. "No, I didn't." I nervously laughed. He paused and faced me. "Why- Why not..?" He asked.

He sounded worried.

I shrugged.

"You know- You know you can talk to me, right?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him, before realizing why he sounded so worried.

"Oh! No, no, no! If you're thinking that I have what I think you're thinking, I don't, I promise! I just wasn't hungry this morning!" I gasped, realizing that he may have thought I have an eating disorder.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes, I'm ok. Thank you for worrying though." I smiled. He nodded.

"Let's take a break. Any good places we can eat out around here?" He asked. I shrugged. "I dunno. Never really ate out anywhere." I said. He nodded, and we fell into an awkward silence. "Saw this Sushi bar down the road on the way here. Wanna go there?" He asked. "Sure!" I said. We got off the ice and I took off my skates to walk more comfortably.

I went to grab my clothes to change into when Faro stopped me.

"What's that on your arm?" He asked. I froze, glancing down at the three cuts on the inside of my forearm. "Nothing." I cleared my throat. "Doesn't matter."

I picked up my clothes to go change in peace.

"Raven, you-" I cut him off. "I said that it doesn't matter!" I unintentionally snapped. "S-Sorry..." I covered my mouth, speeding away.

I went into one of the restrooms to change. I stared at my cuts in the mirror.

Fucking idiot, I thought, why'd I let him see them? I should have hid them better.

"Fucking idiot," I said, "why'd I have to raise my voice?"

I took off the outfit and put on my normal clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was skinny. Too skinny. I was pale. My eyes looked filled with exhaustion. They were filled with exhaustion. I'm exhausted. Life is exhausting.

"Raven? You ok?" Faro asked, peaking through the bathroom door, spotting me just staring at myself. "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine." I took one last look at myself. "Just fine." I said.

I picked up my bag and brushed past him.

"Ready to go?" I asked. He nodded.

Time skip

When we made it to the Sushi place, it looked somewhat expensive.

"How much's this cost?" I mumbled to myself, flipping through my wallet. "Oh, I'm paying." Faro suddenly said. "What? I'm not gonna make you pay for my food!" I said. "I literally don't care. I'm paying." I sighed. "F-Fine."

I felt like shit, having him pay for my food.

It was good though. I'd never had sushi before.

"So, do we wanna go do more, or call it a day?" Faro asked. "What time is it?" I asked, pulling out my phone to see that it was already five pm. "Oh!" "Yeah, call it quits, then?" Faro asked. I nodded.

"Sure, yeah."

Words: 1,180

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