Chapter 9

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This is just a phase you're gonna outgrow:

When Jennie goes running that night, she quickly realizes that Y/n was actually telling the truth when she said there were wolves in the forests around here.

She thought the older was just taking the piss out of her, trying to scare her, so she didn't bother asking her grandmother about it.

She's been running for about half an hour when she passes the village's cemetery. Jennie isn't easily scared, so things like darkness or old cemeteries don't frighten her at all, but just as she's about to run past it she hears a strange rustling sound coming from the thick bushes behind it.

It's not the wind.

There is no wind at the moment.

Jennie slowly comes to a stop, her chest heaving heavily as she tries to catch her breath. She can't see anything but the general shapes of her surroundings in the darkness, so she steps closer, bringing the hem of her shirt up to wipe the sweat from her face.

It's completely silent; her loud breathing is the only thing she can hear.

For a second she thinks her ears just played a trick on her and she's about to continue her run, but then she hears it again; the rustling, and then a crunch, like twigs breaking under too much weight.

Jennie narrows her eyes, holding her breath so she can listen closer.

The rustling stops.

And is followed by a low, very much animalistic growl.

Yeah, okay, Jennie isn't easily scared, but fuck her there's a fucking wolf in those bushes and Jennie isn't ready to die yet.

She curses under her breath when the rustling gets heavier, like something is about to jump out of it, and in her haste to get the hell out of there, she stumbles over her own feet and falls, bracing herself with her palms so she doesn't split her head open on the ground.

Jennie hisses at the sharp pain in her palm but she can't really see anything in the darkness, nor does she really care about a small cut on her hand when she's about to get eaten by a freaking wolf. She quickly scrambles to her feet and runs off, her heart still beating way too fast.

At least she's got an interesting story to tell her friends when she gets back home.


The cut on her hand looks worse than it is; her grandmother still loses it when she sees it the next morning, hastily cleaning it in the garden and putting too much ointment on it.

"No more running!" She says, pointing a stern finger at her.

"Okay." Jennie says, but goes running again that night.


"What happened to your hand?"

Jennie is accompanying Y/n to go and get their cattle, brushing the tips of her fingers over the high grass they're currently walking through, Kumaleading the way but kind of getting swallowed up by the tiny grass forest around them. She hopes there are no ticks here because her ankles are very much exposed right now.

"I fell."

"Fell where?" Y/n asks, her eyes focused on the healing, red cut on Jennie's palm.

"I went running," Jennie says, curling her fingers closed so Y/n will stop staring at it. "I told you I'm clumsy."

Y/n looks up at Jennie, like she can tell Jennie isn't telling her the entire truth, but she drops it and averts her eyes again.

Jennie uses the chance to let her eyes roam over Y/n's profile. They don't see each other as much as they did during the first few days. Y/n is working a lot and she's usually too exhausted by the time she gets back to hang out with them, which means Jennie got closer with the others, and she gets along with Nayeon and Seokmin just fine, but she... well, who the hell is she kidding?

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