Chapter 48

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Jennie is glad that Lisa and Roseanne are out on their traditional Saturday night date, because she doesn't need them to know about this, doesn't need Roseanne to go ballistic like Y/n almost did when she hears about her running into Hyuna.

They put the groceries away mostly in silence, but Y/n keeps shooting her worried glances, gently moving Jennie out of the way when she needs to reach a cupboard, and Jennie gives a tiny smile when Y/n presses a kiss into her hair while walking past her.

Once they're done putting the groceries away, Jennie sits down on a chair at the dinner table, a sigh leaving her lips.

Y/n sits down on top of the table, facing Jennie while a carefully looks at her,

Jennie can feel the older's gaze even though she's not meeting her eyes. "I'm fine. I promise."

"What did she say to you?"


"Jennie. It really upset you."

Jennie slowly shakes her head. "I don't know what she was trying to do. Like why- who does that? We haven't seen each other in years and the second she sees me she tries to c-control me, I mean-"

Y/n moves and cradles Jennie's face before she can work herself into a frenzy. "Hey, Jennie. It's okay. Calm down, yeah? It's alright."

Jennie closes her eyes and nods her head. "It was scary."

Y/n mutters something under her breath that sounds a lot like another string of curses, and then the older slides closer to the edge of the table, gently coaxing Jennie into looking at her. "Do you know why she did that? Because she's an insecure piece of shit. People like her want to exercise power wherever they go. They want to control other people because they have no control over anything else in their lives."

The older's voice turns bitter towards the end, and her eyes harden again, a faraway look in them like she's remembering things.

Jennie has a feeling Y/n is talking about a very specific person from her life, someone who isn't part of it anymore, but who caused more pain than Jennie could ever begin to imagine.

Jennie brings her hands up to wrap them around Y/n's wrist, turning her face to kiss Y/n's palm, trying to snap her out of those unpleasant memories. "You're right."

Y/n looks at her again and nods, brushes her thumb over Jennie's cheek. "Don't give people like that the satisfaction of making them believe they managed to oppress you, okay? Cause that's what bullies do. That's all they are. All she is. You're stronger than that. She has absolutely no say in your life, or about you. Not in the slightest bit, yeah?"

Jennie starts tearing up, because she didn't know she needed to hear those words right now until Y/n spoke them out loud. "Yeah."

Y/n lets out a sigh, looking devastated when she sees Jennie's watery eyes, and she leans in to place a tender kiss on Jennie's forehead. Jennie wraps her arms around Y/n, wanting affection and wanting to be close to the older. They stay like that for a moment, Y/n placing butterfly kisses on Jennie's cheeks and eyelids until Jennie starts laughing quietly. "Wanna watch a movie, hm?"

"Yes, please."


Y/n choses a movie on Netflix while Jennie takes a quick shower, and when she's back in the living room, Y/n has also made popcorn, and Jennie coos at her, gushing about how good of a girlfriend she is, and it's the cutest thing ever, how Y/n blushes and tells her to shut up.

Jennie just smiles at her as Y/n pats the space next to her on the couch, the negative feelings from earlier still lingering around somewhere in her mind, but it's really hard to think about anything else when Y/n looks like that, wearing those tight jeans, her dark hair messed up, making Jennie want to mess it up even further-

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