˗ˏˋ 1: Sophie'ˎ˗

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Everything was spinning out of control. I knew that pre-concert Pepsi wouldn't be a good idea. It always makes me decide to take a nervous nap (which makes sense because caffeine definitely makes you more tired) and whenever I'm nervous sleeping, the nightmares come back. And not just any nightmares, it was memories of that night.

Ten year old me watched through the slits in the closet door as my mom held Amy, my baby sister, close to her. My dad stood in front of them, blocking the gun.

Just a few minutes ago we had been having a nice little family game night. We were in the middle of a monopoly game when the glass broke. My mom had rushed me to Amy's room, hiding me in the closet and telling me to call the police. She grabbed my baby sister as my dad quickly and quietly shut the door.

But the footsteps still came. Amy was too young to not cry when she heard a loud noise. My mom tried her best to quietly shush her but it didn't work. It also didn't work when dad tried to save mom. They both were dead. Five minutes later, the killers were gone and police sirens were approaching.

I crawled out slowly and leaned over their bodies. Amy was crying. Of course she was. What used to annoy me just broke my heart. Both my parents laid unmoving, eyes open and glazed over. But Amy was still alive, although it was just barely. And I knew she wouldn't last long, with the blood spilling out. Still, I held her tight to me, putting pressure on her wounds.

Hours later, all three were pronounced dead and I was thrown into the system with my few possessions.

As my eyes remained closed in my terrible dream world before my concert, my mind flashed through every home, good and bad, that I lived with on my path towards adoption. Very, very few had actually been a safe environment for a child, but I survived.

Eventually, I got to watch as I was adopted by my current parents, Grady and Edaline Ruewen. The best day of my life. And it only got better from there. But, like all dreams, it ended right before it got good. Technically, I had my cousins to blame for that.

Edaline's sister, Juline, married this great guy named Kesler Dizznee, who was also my prank supplies guy. They had a son my age, Dex, then the triplets who were a few years younger, Rex, Bex, and Lex. Yeah, I can't even explain what they were thinking there.

My eyes were quickly jolted as Dex, all seventy pounds of him, started jumping on me and screaming louder than one of those darn car alarms.

"What the heck?!" I shouted, shoving him off of me and sending him flying across the backstage room.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't want to do the entire concert by myself just so you could sleep off some Pepsi." Okay, rude. I do concerts by myself all the time, but he always had to perform with me. He hated going onstage alone unless it was just for a few solo songs.

I continued to lay down, hoping he would just leave. But then I heard it. The big, slobbery sound of a lick. I cringed and screamed as the saliva covered finger entered my ear. What the heck???Dude, be more original. He does that at least twice a day.

"Seriously? That is so gross. You don't know how much earwax I have in my ears!"

"Actually, I do know." He showed me his finger, covered in yellow-orange earwax. I gagged and fake hurled at the sight. He laughed and wiped it on his pants.

"You disgust me."

"Oh so you've discussed me?"

"You're not Leslie Odom Jr., quit trying to be him." I snapped at my nerdy cousin.

"You wound me."

"That's your own fault for setting your bar way too high."

"Okay Little Miss-"

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