˗ˏˋ 6: Sophie'ˎ˗

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It's terrible.


It sucks.


Am a potato.

That freaky dead lady seriously put me in none of the same classes as my cousin!!! And guess what? I don't have friends and am socially awkward, this is not going to end well. Not to mention the fact that I'm currently LOST in one of the biggest schools I've ever seen!

Great. This day was just going great. At least I was able to make it to band on time. Somehow my saxophone was already in there even though I put it in my locker... this school just gets creepier by the second. Not to mention that everyone looked unfriendly in there. Stina and Maruca were sitting in the front row, the former a flute and the latter a clarinet. I walked over to the band teacher, Lady Cadence (all the teachers went by sir or lady. Kinda weird but I'm not one to judge), and asked her where I was supposed to sit.

"Ughhh. Of course I'm here teaching kids who don't even know where to sit when I have the qualifications to be conducting the King's Band. Over there, next to the brunette boy." She pointed out the Alto Sax's first chair player, next to him was an empty seat. I walked over and sat down. There was already a music folder with my name on it on the stand.

"Long time no see." The boy next to me whispered with a hyper voice.

"Jensi?" I asked after finally taking in who was next to me. "You're in band?"

"Yep. How'd it go with Dame Zombina?"

"Dame Zombina?" The kids seriously called their principal that? I could come up with a million better nicknames than Dame Zombina.

"Zombina to those who despise her. Zombalina to those who fear her. And... 'AYO THAT'S ONE WACK ZOMBIE!!!!' to those who don't care and want detention." I blinked in surprise. Umm, what? Everyone in the room screamed and ducked under their chairs, thinking he was announcing the arrival of their principal. I continued to blink and stare at the room in horror. What is going on? 

Lady Cadence called for attention and started the class. We played Never Gonna Give You Up and Don't Stop Believing. It was pretty awesome and Jensi was really cool. He's pretty popular in the band world. Stina and Maruca avoided me along with the rest of the flute and most of the clarinets. There was one pretty cool clarinet named Fernan, Jensi's older brother. There was only one base clarinet, a severely emo girl with a leather jacket, skull t-shirt, ripped shorts with fishnet tights underneath, combat boots, several face piercings, and spiky pink hair with black roots. The furry growled at me when I tried to talk to her. Like, actually growled. Jensi told me she was the resident emo and to stay away, so that's what I did.

The trumpets were obnoxious, per usual. Most of them were popular boys, a few were the jock girls, and they were crackheads. Not actually, just acted like it. They were more obnoxious than me, and that's saying something. And the annoying percussionists wouldn't stop playing the drums. Most of them were the emos-trying-to-be-drug-dealers boys and girls but there were some normal and nice people in there too. There were only two low brass, both boys, one trombone and one tuba. Even with the small numbers you could still hear them clearly. 

Finally, my own section. There was a boy in one of the older levels, Wylie, who was super nice and helped me get the hang of our music. A few of the sax girls were also really nice, all of them had dyed hair ranging from neon yellow to navy blue. And the other two boys mostly just kept to themselves, hiding out in the corner.

As you can assume, with that type of group, things got crazy. I hardly made it out alive between the carpet war and seance. But it was way better the orchestra. I still get chills from when Dex forced me to play violin in fourth grade.

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