˗ˏˋ 4: Sophie'ˎ˗

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"DEXIPOO!!!!!" I screamed through my open window at four a.m. Yes, you heard me correctly. Four in the morning. Because what do you do when you have insomnia and nightmares? Wake up your cousin who is also your next door neighbor at an unreasonable time.

And there he comes now, strutting to the window like the zombie he is. He was even a greenish tint, really pulling off that vibe.

"What in hell do you want?" He grumbled. Yes, the ever so peppy Dex can grumble.

"Ooooh you must be maaaaad. You never cuss." I leaned through the window and rested my forearms against the bottom of it.

"You woke me up at four in the morning, what did you expect?" He copied my motions.

"Maybe less bedhead? And some pjs that a boy your age would actually wear instead of a five year old girl?" He looked down self consciously at his My Little Pony T-shirt and dinosaur pj pants. Because, you know, what seventeen year old boy doesn't like My Little Pony? I cracked up at the glare he shot my way.

"Shut up, it's Bex's."

"I'm pretty sure Bex doesn't wear a medium in men's shirts." His death glare was improving, I feel like a proud parent. 

"Can you just stop torturing me and let me get back to sleep?"

"Nooooooooope. I'm bored and want to go out and see this place without those stuck up snobs in the way."

"Sophie! You shouldn't talk about your new king and queen like that." Dex cracked himself up pretending that he actually cared about those two.

"Oh please. How much you wanna bet their son is just like them or worse?"

"A hundred bucks, I bet that he's actually nice and you two will be dating sometime while we're here." I snorted.

"Oh please. Bring that last part up to one thousand. I will never, and I mean never, date a prince. Or any royalty in general. Especially dukes, they're so stuck up."

"Bring it up to two thousand and you've got a deal." I reached through the gap and shook his hand. No way was I gonna lose this one.

"Okay, now let me go to bed."

"Nope." I jumped through my window and into his. My cousin  is pretty spoiled and greedy. He has a lot of tech, video games, computers, etcetera. After being a singer, he wanted to be a professional gamer and hacker/coder. He once hacked this hater's Insta account and made them post "I just love waking up to the smell of my wetted bed in the morning." Our parents saw it and we got in trouble, but it was so worth it.

Back to what's actually happening, all of his gadgets and stuff were still in the boxes. Basically nothing was unpacked because he's lazy. And naturally, he was shocked that I was fully dressed in a maroon sweater, black ripped jeans, platform converse, and a maroon beanie. Like, what type of psycho is dressed at four in the morning? Me, that's who. I walked over to his clothes box and pulled out a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.

"Get dressed, we're going out."


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