Chapter 5

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"What do we do?" Mrs. Fawn frantically paced outside her daughter's room. Her husband tried to remain calm and keep peace.

"It is happening more often dear, the fainting spells. What if it is true?" Mrs. Fawn sobbed.

"Nonsense. It cannot be, Ondine." Mr. Fawn assured his wife. "It is a myth. We are fine."

"How can you be sure, Eldoris? How? This disease has no cure." Ondine whined.

"She will be fine. We just have to keep her away from that boy. She shall focus on her studies and then we can send her off to her desired college. We have all had fleeting loves in our lives." Eldoris comforted her.

Halcyone knew she awakened 'Amare'. She was aware of the family myth of not being able to fall in love. Falling in love was forbidden. For love meant demise. Knowing this she still fell in love with Akir. How could she not? He was everything she was not. She felt he completed her. He was a half she will never be able to be. She wanted to live her remaining life with him if it meant she could live the life she wanted.

She could hear her parents' worried voices outside her room. Her palm formed fists. She felt trapped. She felt like she would drown in self hatred and rage. She hated having to restrict herself. She wanted to fight. Not just for her right to love but also for herself. She had been afraid all her life, even now she is. She cannot deny the most human feeling within herself. She doesn't want to.

Just as she was about to go she heard a knock on her window. She whipped her head around so quickly that her hair got loose, falling free on her shoulders.

Akir froze in awe. He was memorising every inch and curve, denying his pleading eyes' request to blink. He took all of her in. As she walked towards the window in shock, her face a little closer to ghostly, that now flashed a tinge of blinding pink as she opened the window.


He didn't waste a single second and dived for the hug.

Hyacinth was it? Forget-me-not it was.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin