Chapter #6: Death on The Server...

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Tw: Murder, blood, guns

"Um... Jim?" Fear. Fear was all Fwhip felt. "Jimmy?" He wasn't answering, just staring. Fwhip slightly looked down an where Jimmy's hand was. It was on his gun... Jimmy wouldn't actually hurt anyone... Right? Jimmy stared down at Fwhip. Jimmy started to hear voices. All of them were in his head but it sounded like someone was speaking into his ears. The voices were all saying to kill Fwhip. Kill Fwhip for destroying his empire, his home. There was a loud bang. Now Jimmy, the sheriff, was looking down at Fwhips, now dead, body. Blood. There was blood everywhere. After a few seconds, Fwhips body disappeared and all that was left was his items. Jimmy put all of the items into a chest. He didn't know what the do or where to go. Although he knew he wasn't going to go to Chromia. Don't get it wrong, he would go there if it wasn't for the fact that he sort of had a crush on the ruler of Chromia and he didn't want them to see the blood splatter on him. Gem. Maybe she would let him stay of a bit?

191 words

Have something to eat/drink if you haven't, and have a wonderful day/night
P.s. this is one of the two presents I have for you guys :] the other things is a new book

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