Chapter Forty: Just a schemer in confusion

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Usually in fiction, it was only a matter of time before someone dumps wine on someone.

And in my many years of existence in this world, that matter of time was now.

There was nary a whisper in the air nor any sound at all. Trepidation hung in the air as everyone's eyes were glued onto the scene laid out in front of them. One in regal pink and the other in common clothes. One was dripping wet, the other dry.

I could feel everybody's breath hitch as the sound of dripping wine hit the floor in an erratic pattern.

Drop. Drop. Drop.

Viveca's face was cold and expressionless as she held the empty glass in her hand, her eyes unfeeling and her demeanor suppressive as she looked down at the heroine who had red wine flowing from the top of her head to her clothes. In contrast to Viveca's antagonistic aura, she was framed in the most pitiable stance and hugged herself protectively. Under the bright lights of the ballroom, the beverage sparkled and somehow had not diminished the heroine's charm.

Nevertheless, she was still wet and her dress ruined.

"Why?" Bravery or not, the heroine was the first to break the silence.

Rather than answering, Viveca slowly walked to a nearby table, her heels clacking on the floor simultaneously with the sound of wine drops. She then placed the glass atop and still kept silent, but this time, she was now smirking.

Chills ran down my spine as I witnessed how my friend of so many years was acting so differently from how I knew her. This was not my Viveca. This was the otome game's version of Viveca.

Valentin was right. The world was changing back to one that it was supposed to be.

I was frozen in place as I watched the whole scene unfolded to how it was now. It was only moments ago that Viveca entered the room with me, her spirits high and lively. She was enthusiastic and she was even happily dragging me around to show me the paintings around the place (most of which were her relatives and ancestors). I told her I was getting some hors d'oeuvres. She nodded.

Everything was fine.

Until it wasn't.

And not even five minutes while picking out what was best to eat, I heard a splash. I whipped my head around it brought us to this moment. The cranberry crostini I had in my hands were immediately dropped and I hurriedly went towards Viveca who looked as if she was about to get another glass of wine to dump at the heroine.

"Enough," I whispered softly but harshly as I tried to communicate with my eyes how confused I was with her actions.

Viveca blinked in momentary confusion before looking at the wine glass in her hand (seriously though, who serves wine to mostly underage students?). She mumbled incoherently. "I-I don't . . . I . . . just happened."

I shook my head lightly and held her hand, an attempt to calm her. I felt her relax and I scanned my surrounding to try to see whether any capture targets were nearby. I mean, isn't this just about the right moment to come and save the heroine?

And there they were. Standing in place. Although two of them looked as if they were about to come to rescue but debated halfway and stood again- heterochromatic and sea green gazes directed at me. Their looks were as confused as Viveca and now they stared at the situation, not knowing what to do.

Cedric and Percival were in a place of hesitation and now, I do not know what was happening. Was confusion transmissible?

I looked for the other capture target present, Jamie, who met my gaze and unlike the other two, immediately took of his blazer and ran towards us as he draped his garment over the wet pitiful heroine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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