Chapter 34

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The next morning, Liam and I take a trip into Verona to do some sightseeing. It's about a hour drive, so we talk and enjoy the beautiful view.

Once in Verona, Liam puts his arm lovingly around my waist as we walk. I lean into him. It amazes me how good it feels to relax into his strong form. Our first stop is the Piazza delle Erbe. It was the original Roman forum. We enjoy walking through this area that is so rich in history. After taking all of it in, Liam and I enjoy a romantic lunch, in this beautiful city.

Our next stop is Juliet's house and balcony. It's said to be the setting of Romeo and Juliet. It's such a beautiful, romantic place. There is a bronze statue of Juliet. "They say that people rub Juliet's breasts for good luck." I say.

Liam grins adorably, then whispers in my ear. "I think I'll pass, yours are the only breasts I want to rub."

I laugh. "Maybe we should save that for later."

There are some people with tables set up, selling things. As we approach one of the tables, an older Italian woman jumps up from behind her table, walking over to us. She stands in front of us, taking one of Liam's hands and one of mine. She holds them, staring into our eyes. Then all of a sudden she smiles, shaking her head yes. "Amore vero." She says several times. Directing it at Liam and myself. She touches each of us on the side of our faces. "Per sempre." She winks at me. I think she knows that I understand her.

People are staring at us. Those who understand her are smiling and touching their hearts. The others who don't, are looking confused, much like Liam. He gives me a help me out here  look.

"It's nothing, let's go." As we pass the lady's table, I smile. I know what she said, but I'm afraid to tell Liam. At least right now.

Liam is still confused, but he walks across the street to get us drinks. As I wait outside a woman approaches me. "You know she has a gift, you can believe what she told you." She says, leaving before I can say anything.

Liam and I spend a little more time in Verona before heading back to the villa. I feel like he wants to ask me about the woman, but he holds back.  

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