Chapter 47

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The next morning, Liam orders breakfast for us, and we eat it in bed.

"You know what I realized, Love? I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep without you lying beside me." Liam says, genuinely concerned.

I smile. "I had the same thought. I don't think I remember how to sleep not wrapped in your arms." I move to straddle Liam as he leans against the headboard. "I'm going to miss every inch of you. And that's a lot of inches." I wink.

He laughs, rolling us over till he's on top. "It's all for you, Love." He says in a deep, raspy voice before his mouth is on mine. The gentle love making is gone for now. This morning we are both full of want and desire. We take turns showing the other how badly we want them. The pleasure Liam gives me leaves me relaxed and unable to move. I lay there in his arms, till I absolutely have to get ready. Caroline is coming over to help me pack.

When she arrives I have some outfits set out, she helps me choose what to bring. "You'll need a couple cocktail dresses as well." She says.

She looks through what I have, pulling out the dress Liam bought me in Italy. I tell her no, that's just for Liam. Next she pulls out the red dress I wore at the gazebo. I tell her nope, too special.

She laughs. "Any dresses without sentimental meaning?"

I laugh. "Let me take a look." I pull out a simple black dress, not too revealing and a dark purple dress with a sweetheart neckline.

Packing doesn't take long. I tell Caroline I'll see her at the stadium later, thanking her again for the opportunity.

After she leaves, Liam and I cuddle on the couch to watch a movie before heading to the stadium. "So when do you leave?" He asks.

"The day after tomorrow. We have one more full day together."

Liam nods his head, pulls me closer, placing a long kiss on my temple. He starts the movie without saying a word. I know words aren't important right now, holding each other every moment, that's what's important.

Later that day, on the ride to the stadium, we hold hands. Liam is quiet. I am understanding, the upcoming separation is hard for both of us.

At the stadium, I find Paddy alone and ask him to please take care of Liam while I'm gone.

He smiles. "I will, Liz. Don't worry." He gives me a big hug. "I've never seen him with anyone else, the way he is with you."

I smile and thank him. As I walk away the thought of leaving Liam causes my heart to drop.

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