Chapter 75

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We are all at a party for some friends who recently had a baby. The baby is sleeping so were all visiting, waiting for the little sweetheart to wake up. The new mom is telling me all about her experience, and I have to admit I feel a little twinge. Was that my maternal instincts knocking?

Liam comes up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Hello, Beautiful." He says as he kisses my cheek.

"Hello, Handsome." I say.

"You two are so adorable." The new mom tells us.

We just smile as she heads off to check on the baby.

Liam rubs my nose with his. "You are so adorable."

I laugh. "Well, you are more adorable."

He grins. "No you are." We both laugh as he wraps me in his arms, leaving a sweet kiss on the top of my head.

The baby is awake and makes his first appearance. He is so sweet. His mom waves me over, handing him to me. There is nothing quite like holding a baby in your arms. I look back at Liam. He smiles, but something seems off. I return my attention to the baby. I'm talking to him and he's holding my finger in his tiny hand. So sweet. I look up again, but I can't find Liam.

Caroline watches Liam head out to the backyard. He looks upset so she follows him.

"Are you alright, Liam?" She asks.

Liam turns to face her. "I'm fine."

Caroline frowns. "Liam?"

He sighs. "I don't know, Caroline. Just seeing Liz holding that baby."

"What is it Liam?" She pushes.

"When I saw Liz holding the baby, I just felt so many emotions, it threw me." He says.

"What kind of emotions?"

Liam blows out a breath. "All of them. A little fear. A lot of happiness and love. Some yearning. I could actually imagine that being our baby she was holding."

Caroline smiles, putting her hand on Liam's shoulder. "Well my friend, that is just God giving you a shove, letting you know that Liz is the one you should be with."

Liam relaxes. "Thank you, Caroline."

I look up to see Liam and Caroline coming in from outside. The baby and I make our way over to them. Caroline talks to the baby, then heads off. I look up at Liam. "Is everything ok? I didn't know where you went?"

He smiles, giving the baby his finger to hold. "Everything is perfect now. I just needed some fresh air." Liam kisses me. "I love you, Liz."

I smile. "I love you too, Liam."

I look into his loving eyes, then down at this sweet baby. I can't help but imagine having a family with Liam. 

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