Chapter 61

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Today Caroline keeps me quite busy. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to see Liam as much as I would like.

Caroline tells me she's going to go get a bite to eat, asking if I'm coming.

"I'm just going to finish this up and then I'll be there." It's almost concert time and I really want to see Liam before he goes on.

I finish up, then make my way to find him. When I walk in the room, I immediately see the other boys and Caroline, but no Liam. Caroline has a strange look on her face.

The room has a balcony, I look through the large glass window and my heart feels like it literally drops.

Liam is out on the balcony with Sophia. What on earth is his ex doing here? As far as I know they haven't spoken for awhile. They're talking, I can't tell what they are saying though. Sophia steps closer to Liam and he steps back. That has to be a good sign, right?

"Liz, are you ok?" Caroline asks me.

"I don't know. What's happening?" I reply, in shock.

"I'm not sure. They were already out there when I came in." Caroline says quietly.

My brain is going crazy. The logical part is reminding me of how much Liam loves me, and that he'd never hurt me. The crazy, hormonal girl part is telling me that Sophia is here to take him from me, reminding me of how much prettier she is than me.

I look out at the balcony, I look at Caroline, I look over at the boys. They are looking back at me. Do they know something that I don't?

I can't think clearly. Should I be the kind of girl who storms out there, interrupts and tells her to back off, or should I be the kind of girl who runs out of here crying. Neither one of those girls is me.

"Caroline, I need some fresh air."

I walk outside and sit on a bench, trying to think clearly. It seems to be impossible though. I hear a door close behind me. I turn quickly, hoping it's Liam. It's Harry.

"May I sit with you?" He asks.

"Of course, H."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm not really sure. I'm very confused. Do you know why she's here?"

"No, I don't. We were just all hanging out in the room, when she came in and asked Liam if she could talk to him privately. He was pretty shocked to see her."

I nod. I'm at a loss for words.

"Are you cold, Lizzie? You're shaking." Harry asks, concerned.

"No, I'm just scared." I feel the tears forming.

Harry moves closer to me on the bench, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Lizzie, please don't worry. I'm sure it's nothing. Liam loves you so much. I've never seen him with anyone else the way he is with you."

"Thanks, Harry. I'm just not sure what to feel right now. Part of me knows he loves me, how perfect we are together and that it will be fine. The other part of me, you know the little devil on my shoulder, is telling me I could lose it all. I just need Liam to tell me everything is going to be ok."

Harry gives me a sympathetic smile and a hug. The door opens again and it's Liam. Harry stands to leave.

"Thank you, Harry."

He smiles. "You're welcome, Lizzie. You know where to find me if you need anything."

No Control (Liam Payne)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن