Chapter 77

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After dinner, everyone is outside in the back yard visiting. It's a beautiful evening.

I'm standing with our hostess and a few other ladies. Liam is across the yard with some of the other men at the party.

I look at him and I become overwhelmed with feelings. I think back to how broken my heart was, believing I would never find real love. Yet now, I have Liam. He has healed my heart perfectly. Treating me like I should be treated. I love him more than I ever thought possible. I desire him more than I could ever have imagined.

He looks over at me and smiles. That perfect sweet smile that makes everything right in my world.

All of a sudden I feel light headed. Not just "Liam took my breath away" but legitimately dizzy. I look at our hostess, who's a nurse, and say. "I need to sit down..." She gets a chair under me just in time. I barely hear her telling me to put my head down as she puts a cold cloth on my neck. I feel Liam take my hand and hear him clearly as I start to feel better. "Liz, Babe, are you alright? Please be alright."

My immediate concern, as my brain begins to focus, is to comfort Liam. I raise my head a bit. I look into his eyes. "I'll be fine." I say as I smile at him. He relaxes a bit, his face still full of concern though.

Our hostess asks everyone to give me some space. It's just Liam, myself, and her.

"Are you feeling better?" She asks.

"Yes, much better."

"Liz, is there any chance you could be pregnant?" She asks quietly.

I look at her shocked, then I look at Liam, who looks even more shocked. "Well anything is possible, but I don't think I am."

She pats my leg. "Alright, I was just trying to narrow down what could have happened."

She leaves Liam and I alone.

I smile. "That really scared you didn't it, that I might be pregnant?"

Liam looks serious, squeezing my hand. "Liz, that doesn't scare me. I was afraid you were really sick. I'm taking you to the doctor first thing tomorrow. No argument."

I touch his face. "Yes, sir."

He leans in, kissing me. "I'm taking you home now." He stands up. "I love you more than you can ever possibly know, Liz." 

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