Chapter 52

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After we land, I receive a text from Liam that he found my note to him. He includes a picture of himself holding it to his chest just like I did. "It smells just like you, Love. I'm going to carry it in my pocket."

"I'm so glad you like it. We are on our way to the hotel now." I text back.

By the time we arrive at the hotel, I've read Liam's note at least one hundred times. Caroline and I each go to our rooms to freshen up, planning to meet later for dinner.

As I enter my hotel room I can't breathe, in a good way. It is filled with what must be hundreds of roses. Red ones, coral ones, and lavender ones. The room smells like heaven. I'm so blown away, I just sit for a moment to take it all in. I look up online the meaning of the colors. Knowing Liam, these specific colors have some meaning behind them.

Red roses mean love, lavender roses mean enchantment, and coral roses mean desire. Perfect!

I notice a note on the red dozen directly in front of me.

"My Beautiful Liz,

You are my best friend, as well as my lover. I'll love you always and forever.

Endlessly yours,


I love you*I am enchanted by you*I desire you"

He's so amazing. I take a selfie with a fraction of the flowers behind me, sending it to Liam with the caption. "Your surprises never cease to amaze me. I love them and you."

He texts back. "I'm so glad you like them. I would do anything just to see you smile. I miss you so much, Babe."

We make plans to facetime in a half hour. I unpack and as I do I find another note from Liam tucked into my makeup bag. It reads. "The spaces between your fingers are meant to be filled with mine."

My heart melts. I look at my hand, imagining Liam's large hand encompassing mine. Then I turn it over to see the beautiful ring. The ring that symbolizes our love.

It's almost time to facetime with Liam. I gather some of each color of the rose petals, drawing a bath in the large tub, and sprinkling in the petals. I take off my clothes, getting in the tub before calling Liam.

The look on his face when he answers and sees me in the tub is quite satisfying.

He smirks. "Oh, Love, what are you trying to do to me? I can see you through the rose petals. You look amazing."

I grin. "Well you said you don't like bubbles."

He laughs. "That's true. I wish I was in that tub with you. Just like in Italy. Remember?"

"Of course, Liam. I remember every minute of our time in Italy. It was perfect. So are you. You always satisfy me in every way possible."

He sighs loudly. "How long till you come back, Babe? I want you now."

I smile. "I want you too. Just imagine how amazing it will be when I get back."

Liam grins. "Trust me, I've thought about it a lot."

I hear someone in the background calling him.

"I have to go now, Love; concert time. Can I call you tonight, after?"

"Of course you can. Have a great show. I love you, Liam and...I want you."

He smirks. "You have no idea how badly I want you."

I shift just enough in the tub to let Liam see all of me.

He sucks in his breath sharply. "I'll be thinking about you the whole show, Babe. I love you."

"I love you more."

We both hang up and I smirk, knowing that Liam will be picturing me in the tub the rest of the night.

Now to cool down from my conversation with Liam so I can meet Caroline for dinner.  

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