Chapter 78

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The next morning, Liam and I are at the doctor's office. I told him I felt much better, but he insisted. The doctor comes back in the exam room. "Well Liz, you are not pregnant."

I look over at Liam expecting to see a massively relieved look on his face. Nope, he looks down at the ground briefly then back up to hear what else the doctor has to say.

"I have to wait for the rest of the test results, however, I believe you are just anemic. I want you to take a vitamin with iron, and eat foods rich in iron. Then I'll have you come back for a new blood test to check it."

"Thank you, doctor. I have had that problem before. I'll stay on top of it." I say.

The doctor leaves the room so I can get dressed, Liam follows him out. He comes back in a few minutes later. I'm only halfway dressed.

"What was that about?" I ask.

He approaches me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh nothing."

Before I can reply, his mouth is on mine. His hands sliding down to the back of my jeans, pulling me in close to him. At first I'm worried about someone walking in, but Liam's mouth is doing things to mine that make me forget everything else.

We don't hear the knock on the door, but we do hear the nurse clearing her throat. We separate and Liam stands in front of me so I can finish dressing. "Sorry about that." He tells the nurse.

She laughs. "No worries, it's not the first time."

Back at the house, Liam makes a couple of phone calls while I make us tea. He joins me at the table in the kitchen.

"I have a few things I need to take care of, and I need to go see my parents." He says.

"You do? Is everything alright?"

Liam smiles, taking my hand. "Everything is perfect." He says with a sparkle in his eyes.

I recognize that sparkle. I think he is planning a surprise. We finish our tea, then Liam heads out.

At the door, he looks deep in my eyes. "Liz, I want you to know that I love you more than I ever thought was possible. You've changed my life."

My breath catches. He gently runs his thumb over my lips, before leaning down and kissing me in the sweetest, most perfect way. It makes me think of the line from Gone With The Wind. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.

I'm grinning.

"What?" Liam asks.

I get on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I love you." When he turns to go I grab his hand. "Hurry back." I say with a wink.

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