Chapter 44

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Liam and I walk into his hotel room, wait...make that our hotel room. "So we will share a room from now on?" I ask him.

"Yes." Liam replies. Then he feigns a hurt look, turning away from me. "Unless you don't want to be with me."

I turn him around, pushing him up against the wall. I pull off his t-shirt, and run my hands up his strong bare chest. "You know I do." I say before reaching on my tiptoes to put my mouth on his. We hungrily explore each other's mouths with our tongues. When I tug at Liam's with my teeth, he sucks in a breath, then flips us so that I'm against the wall. His hard body firmly up against mine. As he kisses, and bites on my neck, I whisper. "I like it when you take charge." This only causes him to be even more aggressive. I have a feeling there will be a mark on my neck, and I don't mind.

We don't make it to the bedroom. Our passion never makes it farther than the couch. I don't even attempt to be quiet, I scream out Liam's name as he takes me, hard and loving, all at the same time. He gathers me in his arms, and we lie there together on the couch. Sweetly kissing each other as we cuddle.

"Oops, it looks like I left a big mark on your neck, Love." Liam says as he touches it. "Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt. It's fine, Liam. I like that you did that." I say with a smile.

He smirks. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. There's only one problem."

"What?" He asks, looking concerned.

"I think you need a matching one." I smirk as I move to straddle him, he has a big grin on his face. I listen to him moan as I work on giving him a matching mark.

We've spent far too much time having fun. Now we have to rush to get ready. Liam is heading to the stadium, and I am heading downstairs to meet Caroline for coffee before we head to the stadium as well.

In the lobby, before we part ways, we find a private corner to say goodbye.

I then head into the coffee shop, Caroline already has a table for us. She immediately notices the mark on my neck. "Well, I know what you've been doing." She laughs.

I blush. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Our coffee arrives, and she fills me in on this great opportunity she has for me. "It will really help your career in the future. You'll make some important contacts. My mentor took me when I was younger, it has helped me a lot. It's basically a meetup of fashion's biggest people. Only select people are invited, and I'd like to bring you with me."

"Caroline, I'm honored. It sounds amazing."

"The only problem Liz, is it's in a few days, and it's in Paris. I've already gotten the ok for you and I to go."

It takes a moment to register with me. Then my heart drops. Liam!

"I can tell by the look on your face you've realized that you'll have to be away from Liam." She says quietly.

"How long is it?" I ask.

"Four days, not counting travel."

I swallow hard. I've not been away from Liam for even a day since our first night together.

"You think about it, Liz. I realize you are newly together, and you are obviously very much in love. It's hard to leave that, however, you need to think about your career, Sweetie."

"I know, Caroline. When do you need to know?"

"As soon as possible."   

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