Chapter 79

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I'm sitting in the big comfy chair in the living room, reading a book, waiting for Liam to get home. Apparently the book is really good, I don't hear him come in.

I look up and see him leaning in the doorway of the living room, watching me with the sweetest look on his face. I've never had anyone look at me like that, and it makes my heart skip a beat.

"Hi, Handsome. I didn't hear you. When did you come in?"

Liam smiles. "About five minutes ago. I was just watching you. You were so adorable, so engrossed in your book."

I blush. "I didn't make any weird faces did I?"

Liam laughs,walking over to me. "No, only cute ones."

From behind his back he pulls out a gorgeous bouquet of roses. In all the same colors as the ones that had filled my room in Paris.

"Liam, they're gorgeous. Just like the ones you sent me in Paris. Thank you."

He sits down in the chair with me, I shift and move to sit on his lap.

"You are welcome, Beautiful."

I cuddle into him. "What's in your other hand there, Mr. Payne?" I tease him.

He grins, pulling his hand up from over the side of the chair. "Oh, just a present for you."

I smile. "You are too good to me, Liam."

He kisses my cheek. "You deserve it, Love."

I open the box, giggling when I see what's inside. "This is just like my shirt that you tore open and the buttons flew off."

He grins. "You remember?"

"Of course I do." I trace circles with my finger, on his chest, where his shirt is unbuttoned. "I told you it was hot." I unbutton a couple more on his shirt, exposing more of his perfect chest.

"Well I told you that day, I'd buy you a new one." He says.

"You didn't have to. How you made me feel that day was worth the loss of a cute shirt." I say as I move in to kiss him.

"Mmm, check the box again." Liam says against my lips.

I look in the box, finding a second shirt exactly like the first. "Two shirts to replace one?"

He raises his eyebrows. "I thought we could use one of them tonight to re-create that day."

I swallow hard. "Damn, Liam." I say as I move to straddle him. I pull my shirt off, grabbing one from the box. As I'm buttoning it up, Liam is watching me intently. "You know I'm really liking all these little reminders of things from our relationship. It's very sweet." I move in to kiss him, biting his bottom lip gently. "And very hot."

Liam's eyes are full of want, but I catch a little mischievous sparkle as well.

"I'm glad you like it because I have one more before I take you upstairs and make you scream."

The tone of his voice alone almost sends me over the edge.

He hands me an envelope with a smirk. I take a breath, trying to control myself for a moment. I open the envelope, squealing when I see what's inside. "Liam! Really?"

He laughs. "Yes, Love, really."

In the envelope are two tickets to Italy, and a picture of the villa we stayed at last time. Our villa.

"We leave tomorrow afternoon." He says.

I'm not sure why, but I can feel tears in my eyes. I guess they are happy tears. Liam's kindness and romantic heart, just blows me away. I put my hands on each side of his face. "I'm so happy, Liam. Thank you. I love you."

He moves his face to kiss my hand. "I love to make you smile, Beautiful. I love you so much."

We gaze into each other's eyes for a moment, then the want is back. "Let's go

upstairs, Love." He whispers.

I get up and as Liam stands, I take his hand, walking backwards to the stairs, looking at him (all of him) the whole time.

I stop halfway up the stairs, unbuttoning the few buttons left done on Liam's shirt. I pull it off of him, kissing and nibbling on his chest. He moans, gently pushing me down on the step, pulling off my pants. He's on top of me, our tongues moving together slowly. I feel his hand moving inside my panties. I look into his eyes. They are full of such want, such passion, such love. As he takes me over the edge, and I scream out his name, the cutest smile crosses his face. Who knew the stairs could be such a pleasurable location.

Liam helps me up, and we continue to the bedroom. Once inside he shuts the door, pushing me up against it. His mouth is on mine, taking full possession of me. He bites my bottom lip before looking in my eyes. In the raspiest, sexiest voice possible he says. "I want you, Liz. Never anyone else but you, ever." He smirks as he grabs on to both sides of my shirt. I'm so worked up I'm not sure how much longer I can wait. I beg him. "Please, Liam."

He rips open my shirt, buttons flying all over the room. Only this time we aren't laughing. We are both so close to the edge. Liam literally picks me up and throws me on the bed. Which only makes me even more turned on.

He pulls off any remaining clothes and aggressively takes us both to that perfect place where only he and I can go together. That place where our passion, desire, pleasure, and true love all come together.     

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