Chapter 41

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After delivering the cookies, we return to the villa and cuddle up together on the couch to watch a movie. Liam has his strong arm wrapped around me. I lay my head on his shoulder, my hand rests on his thigh. Every so often he whispers something sweet to me, causing my heart to swell. "You're so beautiful." "I love your laugh." "You smell so good, Love." "I love you."

He makes me so happy. I never imagined a relationship could be this incredible.

After the movie is over we consider taking a swim, but as soon as we step outside we realize it's too cold.

Instead we return inside, deciding we need a fire. Watching as Liam builds a fire in the large fireplace, I ask him. "So what kind of plane are we taking tomorrow?"

"A private jet."

"Hmm, so that means we could join the mile high club then?" I wink.

Liam stops what he's doing, walking over to me. He bends down, putting his hand in my hair. "I would join anything with you, Darling." Then pulls me in for a kiss.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you, Beautiful."

We have our last dinner in Italy in front of the fireplace. "I promise you, Love, that I will bring you back someday so you can see more of the country." Liam says.

I smile and touch the side of his face, rubbing his whiskers. "Liam, please don't worry about that. This trip could not have been more perfect." Then I lean in, kissing him.

"It has been amazing, hasn't it?"

He opens his legs, pulling me over to sit between them, my back against his chest. He wraps his arms around me, kissing the side of my face sweetly. We sit like this for awhile, staring into the flames, reminiscing about this incredible trip.

Everything changes when Liam kisses my neck. He knows exactly what he's doing when he kisses the spot, the spot I can't resist. I let out a low moan as Liam continues, moving his hand down my stomach.

We somehow manage to continue kissing while we rearrange our bodies to lie beside each other. We kiss with such passion, our tongues moving together slowly, Liam pauses to look me up and down, stopping at my eyes. Looking at me as if I am the only woman in the world. My breath catches in my throat.

We undress each other, Liam takes his time, skillfully touching every part of my body. Kissing me all over, the roughness of his whiskers intensifying the feeling. Leaving every part of me tingling with pleasure.

I return the favor for him. Slowly touching every perfect inch of him, lingering on his favorite spots.

Liam hovers above me, our bodies moving together in rhythm. My soft curves against his hard steel.

As the pleasure takes over me and my eyes want to close, I force myself to keep them

open. I love the way Liam looks at me during these most intimate moments. His flawless chocolate brown eyes, looking into mine with such passion, such want, such desire, concern and love.

Our rhythm increases and yet again we go over the edge into absolute rapture together.

Together. As we lie there afterwards, Liam stroking my hair and planting little kisses all over me, I think about that. When Liam and I make love it is every part of him and I coming together, our hearts, our souls, our minds, our bodies. We alone make these incredible feelings, together.    

No Control (Liam Payne)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя