Chapter 65

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Just then the hotel room door flies open. My hero is here to rescue me. Liam has a look on his face I've never seen before, as he crosses the room and tears Jake off of me. He seems to so easily toss Jake onto the floor. Liam starts to go after Jake more but Paddy pulls him back. "I've got this Liam, you take care of Liz."

Liam looks at me. The anger in his eyes turning to concern as he sees the bright red marks on my arms. He rushes to my side, as Paddy is hauling Jake out. "Are you alright, Love? Did he....?" The anger is back in his eyes.

"No, I kneed him in his little crotch before he could do anything like that." I say matter of factly.

Liam laughs. "That's my girl." Then he's serious again. "Please tell me what happened."

I tell Liam the whole story. He grins as I tell him the part about him being better in bed. "I think that's what sent him over the edge. When he came at me and latched onto my arms, I kneed him, that's when we fell on the couch. Thank goodness you came in then."

Liam looks down. "I can't even allow myself to think about what he could have done to you." His hands turn into clenched fists.

I lay my hands on his fists, he immediately relaxes them. "It's ok, I'm fine. You are my hero, you saved me."

"I'd do anything to protect you, Liz."

"I know you would, Liam, I love you."

Liam gets some ice to put on my arms, looking at them with concern. He sits at the end of the couch and has me lay down with my head on his lap. He puts the bags of ice gently on my bruised arms. I lay still while he strokes my hair, singing quietly to me. I begin to relax, unaware of how stressed I really was.

I can feel Liam tense up every so often. I'm sure he's thinking about what could have happened. He concentrates on taking my mind off of it though. He talks about our trip to Italy and where we should go next.

After awhile he suggests we go lay in bed till we have to go to the stadium. He helps me to get out of my clothes, and slip on one of his t-shirts. I lay on the bed with Liam beside me, still wearing only shorts from his work out. He gently kisses my arms where they have turned from red to blue/purple. He plays with my hair, kissing me gently.

"Love, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about and I guess this is as good a time as any." Liam says.

I turn towards him being careful of my arm. "What is it, Liam?"

"The tour is almost over and I was wondering what you were going to do then? Where you would go?"

I smile. "Honestly, I hadn't thought about it."

Liam takes my hand, gently tracing circles on it with his thumb. "I want you to come live with me in England." He pauses. "I know it would be a big move for you from America, but I don't want to be without you."

He's looking at me with such hopefulness in his eyes, I can't help but smile. "Yes Liam, I would love that. If you are sure?"

He grins. "Love, we are pretty much living together now, in hotel rooms." He kisses me sweetly, so gently that my lips tingle. "You've made me so happy, Liz."

I kiss him, then move my hands on him in a way that let's him know what I'd like to do.

"Are you sure, Babe?"

I grin. "I'm absolutely sure."

He whispers in my ear. "I'll be gentle."

I touch the side of his face, looking into his eyes. "Liam, you are nothing like him. I love when you are forceful and take charge, because along with that you are always loving and kind. There's a big difference."

Liam and I connect perfectly. I desperately needed this connection after what happened today. He holds me after and suggests I take a little nap before we have to head to the stadium. I relax into his arms and drift asleep thinking of Liam, my hero. 

No Control (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now