Chapter 63

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As Liam and I sit there kissing we hear someone clear their throat. Turning we find Paddy. "Concert time, Liam." He says.

I blush. "Sorry, Paddy."

He laughs. "No problem, Liz, I'm getting used to it."

Liam laughs, then gives me a kiss. I give his ass a squeeze as he heads backstage.

Paddy walks me out front and I stand near him on the side of the catwalk. Before the boys come out I look up to see Sophia standing on the other side of the catwalk with some of the girls from the crew. Hmm. I'm a little surprised she's still here. I'm not going to lie, my confidence is better after talking to Liam, but I'm still a little nervous.

However once the concert starts Liam does a great job of assuring me that I'm his only one. He gives me a lot of attention, singing all the dirty lines to me. I'm sure all the girls standing behind me enjoyed it too.

While Liam was reading some fan's signs, one of them said "Marry Me Liam". He told them. "Sorry I can't, I'm already taken." Then he points to me and blows me a kiss. I blow one back to him.

We haven't hidden our relationship but we haven't exactly made it public either. I guess it's out there now.

When the concert is almost over I walk with Paddy backstage. Liam comes straight to me, giving me a kiss. "How was it?" He asks.

"Perfect." I look at the other boys as well. "You all did an amazing job as always."

Liam and I head back to the hotel.

As we enter our room, I don't say anything, I just take Liam's hand and lead him to the bedroom. He's smiling the whole way.

I undress him first and direct him to the bed. I undress for him, and join him on the bed. I plan on showing him exactly why he made the right choice in choosing me. I don't let him take charge, I make him lay back and enjoy it all. As I'm above him, he takes both his hands, holding my hair back, away from my face. He looks at me with such emotion in his eyes, it melts my heart. "I love you, Liz. You mean everything to me."

"Liam, I love you more than I ever thought possible. I've never been happier." I kiss him, sweetly at first, then desperately. We continue where we left off and I show him how much I love him. My heart soars as he says my name again and again as I bring him over the edge.

I lay in Liam's embrace after. He kisses my head, trailing his fingers softly up and down my arm. "You my love, are amazing in every way."

I smile. "I like making you happy."

He grins. "Well you do, Love. In and out of the bedroom." His look turns serious. "I still can't understand why you were worried today. How can you not know that I would choose you every time?"

"I just struggle with my confidence sometimes." I say quietly.

"I don't see how, you are so beautiful."

"But she's so much prettier than me." I say.

Liam looks at me genuinely confused and shocked. "No she isn't." He says strongly.

I look down. Liam lifts up my chin to meet his serious eyes. "Don't look down. I don't want you to ever doubt how beautiful you are ever again." Liam scolds me. "Liz, all you have to do is look around to see all the men staring at you. Trust me, I see them and I want to punch them."

We both laugh.

"But seriously, Love, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever been with. You are gorgeous on the outside and you are beautiful on the inside. And when you put those together, it's absolutely breathtaking." Liam assures me.

"That sounds like how I feel about you."

He smiles. "Please don't ever doubt yourself again. And now it's my turn to make you happy."

He starts tickling me. My laughter soon changes to moans as Liam takes control and "makes me happy" several times.

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