Chapter 84

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I feel like I should be a little nervous as Rosa drives me to Liam, instead I am quite calm and peaceful. I look out the window, it's dark so there's not much to see. Until I notice a cluster of lights on the hill that we are heading towards. As we get a bit closer I see that the lights are in the shape of a heart. Inside the heart are two L's, also made out of lights.

I look over at Rosa. "It's incredible."

She smiles. "Your man is quite creative."

I grin. "Yes, he is."

We drive for a few moments more, then Rosa pulls up near our gazebo. Rosa's husband opens my door and helps me out of the car. As he walks me closer to the gazebo, I am taken back to the last time Liam and I were here. When we each told the other we loved them. This may be my favorite place in the world. The gazebo is romantically lit up with even more lights than last time.

I see Liam standing at the entry of the gazebo. I gasp, putting my hand to my mouth, stopping briefly. He looks so incredibly handsome in his black formal suit. My prince.

"Are you alright, Liz?" Antonio asks.

"Yes." I assure him. As we start to walk again, Liam comes down the steps to meet us. He pauses for a moment as he takes me in, putting his hand over his heart.

Antonio quietly disappears as Liam takes my hands. "Love, you are so very beautiful. I'm blown away." He leans in to kiss my cheek. Whispering in my ear. "I'm glad you chose that dress, Princess."

I smile. "Liam, you are so incredibly handsome. You've left me breathless. The gazebo, and the lights on the hill. Amazing!"

He kisses me, long and sweet. I swear every inch of me tingles. He takes my hand, leading me to the middle of the gazebo. I hear the music of our song playing quietly.

As Liam takes my hands in his, I notice he is trembling. I look up into his eyes as I rub his hands with my thumbs. "Are you ok, Liam?"

He smiles. "Yes, just be patient with me for a few moments."

"Of course."

Liam looks into my eyes with such love. "Liz, I fall in love with you all over again everytime I look in your beautiful eyes."

I skip a breath but keep focused on Liam.

"You are my best friend. You know me better than anyone else. You are the love of my life, my everything." He pauses to kiss my forehead before continuing. "When you are beside me Liz, I am a better man."

I feel moisture in my eyes as I can't take them off of Liam.

He lets go of one of my hands to place his on the side of my face. I lean into it. Never taking my eyes away from his.

"Love, I can promise you that no one else will ever work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me." He says in the sweetest voice I've ever heard.

A tear spills from my eye. Liam quickly wipes it away with his thumb.

"You have found places in me that were hidden from everyone else, but you. Places I didn't even know existed."

My heart feels so full. I am speechless. How can one man be so perfectly amazing? All I can do is mouth "I love you" to him.

He smiles. "I love you, Babe. I just want to hold you in my arms and never let you go." He runs his hand through my hair. "You are the one that has filled in all the cracks in my heart."

I swallow hard. Another tear spills out. Liam takes my hand again. I gaze into his perfect, loving chocolate brown eyes.

"Liz, I know I've always said that we are too young. But I was wrong."

I gasp. Is this really happening?

"I know that you are the only one I want to share the rest of my life with, so why wait?" He pauses. "Liz, without you beside me, my life will never be complete."

I'm trying hard to hold back my tears, but I know what's coming and I'm so happy.

Liam and I lock eyes. "I love you so much, Handsome."

"And I love you, Beautiful."

He takes a deep breath and gets down on one knee. I've never felt so happy in my entire life.

Liam looks up at me with such love and hope in his eyes. He takes a ring box out of

his pocket and opens it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. I've never seen anything sparkle so much.

He takes my hand, looking into my eyes.

"Liz, will you marry me, Love? I want to spend the rest of our lives making you smile."

"Oh Liam, yes! Absolutely yes!"

The biggest grin I've ever seen comes across his face, and I love him even more than I did a moment ago.

He stands up and I lay my hand alongside his handsome face. "Liam, you've made me so happy. I can never find the words to explain how I feel when I look in your eyes, or how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your amazing smile makes my heart skip a beat. Whenever I'm with you Liam, I feel complete. You are what has always been missing in my life. My missing puzzle piece."

Liam turns his head to kiss my hand, then brings it down in front of him. He slips off the placeholder ring on my left hand. "I guess we don't need that to hold my spot anymore." He winks.

We both smile as he slips it on my right hand. Then taking the diamond ring out of it's box, he says. "You've made me so happy, Liz." He slips it on my left hand. It's a perfect fit. Just like us.

Liam kisses me, then we sway to the music as he looks in my eyes and begins to sing our song.

All I can think is, this Cinderella has found her Prince Charming, and our fairytale is only just beginning. 

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