NOT A CHAPTER! Important question

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Helloooo everyone

Woooooowww it's been a while

First off I'd like to say thank you to everyone who (still?😭)is reading my story. I appreciate all the reads and the votes from everyone!

How would y'all react is I said I wanted/ kinda already made the decision to go back and start to re-write my Mikey fan fic?

I just feel like it could be so much better!! Cause rn it's so cringy looking back at it😭

Not only could it be better but I have actually taking up writing and now that it's summer for me I think that this would be good practice before I actually start all that!

This is my first fan fiction I've actually tried to write and post and it has taken a vary big part of me to actually do everything that I've done so far but I also had seen myself in a very different position when I first started writing it.

It's been over 3 years that I had started and I have barely even gotten halfway through my story... I mean it's a slow burn but it's also just taken forever to publish chapters. From actually shit causing me to have to stop writing and just stopping cause of shitty mental breaks it's just taking to long.

When I had been posting the last few chapters of this story I hated it. I wasn't having fun and I didn't want to continue writing it anymore. Now though I actually would like to go back and rewrite the story to fix and change things.

I mean I don't plan on changing a lot but I just want to go back and fix some stuff up. Make some stuff make more sense, fix grammar mistakes, tie up any loose ends and stuff like that you know?

Because let's be honest this shit is so cringy it makes me laugh so hard while also wanting to barf😭

I also feel like throughout writing I tried to push myself to post so frequently that I got so over run I started to burn myself out and push it away causing me to take longer breaks each time. This has obviously caused me to forget some plot points/ ideas I had(even though I have a lot of notes written down to help me.) and forgetting these plot points and it's just made the story a bit messy...

Like I said I don't plan on changing alot! I just want to clean it up a bit.

Over the time I've been gone I've gotten more into my schooling and healed up mentally and I'm in a far better mind state nowadays so I think I'm ready to continue with this story/the re-write.

Also let's not talk about my other fanfics. They are in hiding for now because they are cringy to. I don't plan on returning to those though. Maybe in a longer bit of time but I want to have this done first.


I'm anime only rn so please please no manga spoilers. I know vaguely what happened in the next few episode but please don't talk about those either I hate spoilers.

Anyways make sure you stay hydrated, eat something, rest well and keep on doing your best lovelies!! <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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