Chapter Eleven

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Maisie, Dacre and Carter enter the apartment, they shake off their umbrellas and put their wet coats on the radiators.

"Arthur can you give me a ride home, I can't skateboard in this weather." I'm lucky I even brought a coat. I didn't really have anyone reminding me in the morning anymore, it really sucked.

Today was different, Maisie messaged me about it, reminding me that I had just gotten better.

It was funny and cute and it really made my day better and the day was already going well.

"Hey did one of you make coffee?" Maisie says as she pouts.

"Maisie, take a seat please. Carter, Dacre, do either of you want coffee?" The boys nod as well.

I make Dacre and Carter's coffee and give it to them and then clean out the machine and get out the secret gift I got Maisie.

I make the drink and surprise Maisie.

"One decaf for one very special girl." I say as I give it to her.

"Oh thank you so much, you're so lovely. Oh my goodness Gia, this is the expensive one as well." She hugs me and I hug her back.

"Mais, we've got another surprise so put your coffee down." Arthur says. "Don't stress, it's a good one and don't react too much because you'll get really excited so please, try to stay calm."

"Okay. I'll try but I can't promise." Maisie says.

Arthur covers her eyes with his hands and I get Nia and stand her in front of Maisie.

Arthur uncovers her eyes and when Maisie sees Nia, she can't get anything out. She's spluttering she can't say anything.

"Breathe babe, breathe." But before he can say anything else, Maisie screams and gets and hugs Nia.

"Oh my goodness Nia, I missed you so much Nia, oh my God! Carter, Arthur get here, Gia too, everyone get here I need to hug everyone all at once." We don't want to disagree with the pregnant lady so we all oblige. Donovan just agrees.

"Donovan put on a shirt." I say as his cold arms wrap around me and the other people.

He definitely hugged me in particular on purpose.

"I don't think I will." He says smugly.

"Okay, whatever you say." Arthur is just as smug.

"Okay Donnie sit down." Dacre says and Donovan does.

Dacre had started filming and he repositions his phone camera.

"Okay. Donovan, out of all Dacre's siblings, you are the first to know this so prepare yourself." Maisie was a great sister. In this moment, for some reason, it just reminded me of how mine sucked.

"Okay..." He's gone super quiet, I think he's expecting something bad.

"We're expecting, I'm pregnant." Maisie says and Donovan twists in unusual ways before his eyes water up and he starts to cry.

Arthur and I are out of there before anyone can even say go.

I guess we always knew that the Shepherds were the more emotional family. Aunt Tara and Uncle Carl raised their children well but their only emotional children, were Nia and Ella and now that Maisie was pregnant and increasingly hormonal, her too.

We sit on the bed awkwardly.

"I think we embarrassed him when we were laughing at him." Arthur says and I nod.

"That is true but the minute we set foot out of here, he will be horrible again. When he's around his brother, he can't hide who he is. He can't hide who he is around any of his family members because he loves them and they love him.

"You're awfully observant of him." Arthur and I are now in a little mental war.

His tone was accusatory and he knows it and I know it.

"I don't want to do this. You're right. I've been in the room next to this guy for one year and counting. I've heard him had sex, I've smelt him smoke weed, he has slept in my house, when I was ill, I slept in his bed, so yeah I'm observant but not in that way, I'm not like that anymore." I can't help but think Donovan will do anything to keep me interested.

"I don't think it's your fault. He's got plans that have you in his mind, whatever they are, I can see you're trying to resist. Do what's best for you, not for your image, not for Marie or Simon but you. Just don't fall into his charm too quickly." Arthur seems awfully convinced that I'll fall him at all.

"I don't think me falling into anything regarding him will be an issue because it's not happening, ¿entiendes?" Arthur puts his hand up in mock surrender as he laughs.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say Chica. I hope he's stopped crying now, let's get back out there." We leave and Carter's there about to knock. He knocks on Arthur's face instead.

"Sorry, I was about to knock on the door." Carter says as he tries to hold back a laugh.

"It's okay Carter." Arthur responds as he wraps one arm around his brothers shoulder and the other around mine.

This time, Donovan had tried to be clever by moving into the middle seat but I just swapped with Carter.

We all sit there and Maisie shushes us.

"Okay so we need a very serious plan of action. It's Dacre's birthday in a week and we are planning on announcing it there. Everyone's invited but how do we announce it?" Maisie has been racking her brains, she's been thinking complicated, flashy showy.

Arthur and I conspire our plan and I get Arthur to do the talking.

"We got it. Maisie it's simple but it works. We take a family picture. Everyone the Rosling, me the Blackwell, the Shepherds, your friends and that's both of your friends so Maisie, if none of your friends are invited, get them in. We get a photographer in to take photos, I know Dacre's party is a fancy one. Shepherd's do it big, fancy." Arthur hands the conversation to me.

"Some may say extra." I add and Dacre laughs. "We got the photographer to take a video on a phone and then get to say Maisie's pregnant and he can get photos. There will be photo and video evidence."

"Guys... that is... perfect!" Maisie squeals as she hugs us.

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